So IDK WTF is going on...

Lacey Amour's Avatar
But apparently people have been spreading rumors about me (hobbyists).

I don't know who, I don't know what, I don't know why...

But I'm too nice of a person to have such ugly things said about me.

To the people that have seen me anyways- thank you.

To the people that won't see me because of rumors- you're sheep and don't know what you're missing.

To the people spreading the rumors- either you're really bored, jealous, or just unhappy. There was one instance where I could see someone thinking I used them, but had this hobbyist not been such a creeper and wasn't blurring the lines between personal and business he wouldn't have been dropped like a bad habit. You can't make everyone happy, and you can't be everyone's real life girlfriend. You can only be their part time girlfriend, because at the end of the day I personally have an in the closet life to maintain.

I see retirement in my future because I want to pursue having a family (again), and hope it works out this time, but will be a few weeks before anything is set in stone.

I hope to see y'all soon!

Love Always,
Sorry to read someone is doing this to you......Guys, if you havent seen Lacey for whatever rumors you have heard, your missing out.....I know I have missed chances to see her again due to both our schedules not working out....I know I will miss her when she decides to move on for herself.

SknyDiva's Avatar
Sorry your dealing with someone that has no life.
Good luck to you Hun.
  • cajun
  • 08-18-2013, 08:18 AM
I haven't heard any rumors but I do know that I sent you 2 PMs over three days time, trying to make and appt., that you didn't reply to. Maybe it could be something as minor as that.
Sorry to hear there is drama, as you are a nice person. I too have not heard any rumors though.
Sorry about that Lacey. Some people are asses and have nothing better to do! Don't let it get to you.
lat's Avatar
  • lat
  • 08-18-2013, 08:52 AM
Ok I hope this board isn't going to shit ! We have had enough drama here to last awhile ! Rumors we can't stop them but we can control them when we know something isn't true, as the sayn go believe none of what you hear and half of what you see .
We can't EVER have control of what others say about us only what we say ourselves. Waisting emotional energy over gossip/rumor about us is futile. Move the furniture around in your head that the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. When you do that if you think/feel "I'M GOOD " then I believe it doesn't matter what "they" said.
My creed: don't gossip and don't be moved by gossip. If/ when others do ,that just reflects on them not you.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have not heard any just keep smiling and being sexy!!
Oh geesh don't get me started about rumors ha
Max Steed's Avatar
I haven't heard any rumors but Art has shared some great advice, as well as others here. Just do you Lacey.

We can't EVER have control of what others say about us only what we say ourselves. Waisting emotional energy over gossip/rumor about us is futile. Move the furniture around in your head that the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. When you do that if you think/feel "I'M GOOD " then I believe it doesn't matter what "they" said.
My creed: don't gossip and don't be moved by gossip. If/ when others do ,that just reflects on them not you.
Art Originally Posted by Art Lover
I haven't heard any rumors but I do know that I sent you 2 PMs over three days time, trying to make and appt., that you didn't reply to. Maybe it could be something as minor as that. Originally Posted by cajun

Same here I haven't heard any rumors but sent you a PM with no reply. I just made other arrangements but a reply would have been nice. I would still like to see you if you don't decide to retire but if you do I wish you the best.
I have not heard any rumors, keep moving and leave them behind... with their B/S rumors! It works for me! Being honest will get you far!

Fuck them babe, don't let them stop you and sure do not waste your time on the stress. Do you and don't worry about the rest!

Get money!

Miss Dreams
The only rumurs I have heard/read about you are in your reviews. Several good guys in there that I concur with on other outings. Doesn't seem like you have any negative reviews out of the 16 or so that I see. Keep your head up.... wait maybe that isn't the best advice on this board.

Keep your head down.....until the legs quiver!
My Dear Lacey:

You poor naive Child you have just learned one of 'Life's Cruel Lessons' is NOT the Hobbyist you should be looking to, for in truth do you rely believe they have close enough interaction with one another to manage spreading a Roomer. It IS the mismanagement of your Inner-Circle that has left you vulnerable...take a moment to think about who you have let in recently and their your answer will lie, this as with any other industry one must take precaution regarding alliances. By the way... please don't leave this industry to 'start a family' why not improve your world by going to College.
