Quack Cadets aka Liar Liar Pants on Fire!

I'm not the sharpest nor the dullest tool in the shed. But I do have exceptional retention & recall. That means memory.

I might NOT remember...so I ask questions. Do I remember everybody? No. But I remember something about everyone I have met. I never know what that something will be, but there is always something. Remembering that one something will trigger the rest.

So...who do these Quack Cadets think I am that they think "Oh you saw me a year ago." will get them in the door? Then follow one lie up with another?

"You saw me at my condo near xxx" Hmm. I have 2 clients in that area and you aren't either one.

"What do you do for a living?" Engineer. Nope, we have never ever met.

So why go through that shyte instead of just getting screened? Does that BS actually work? Imagine the time and energy wasted lying to multiple providers as opposed to getting screened and starting the process?

Lyin lil Quacktards.
Don't ya hate that? I got an email from someone I saw YEARS ago. Saying I'm still beautiful... blah blah blah. I said thank you and that was it....

He then tries to use me for a reference!

Idiot.... I understand your frustration, really I do....
London Rayne's Avatar
I had a guy tell a recent, first time touring lady in Memphis that he saw me. I don't keep emails or numbers so I told her to ask him what hotel I stayed at(was only one) and what I wore when he opened the door...what a shock no response lol. I also noticed his name/email she gave me matched the guy who reviewed me on ter claiming to have seen me....but he called me Taylor lol.

Be careful because many times a guy will review ladies so it appears he has references, and some ladies just look at his reviews as golden...BIG MISTAKE. Always contact those ladies personally because they may have no clue who the guy is.

Needless to say he is now blacklisted along with all of the other IP addresses associated with him.

The sad thing is there are girls in need of money bad enough to let these things slide and see a person anyway. They are also the ones who end up whining about getting ripped off, raped, and robbed after the fact. This is why I am so cautious about who I take references from. Just because a lady has "seen" a guy means nothing if she didn't bother getting any info in the first place.

Says a lot about her safety concerns and what she is willing to do for a buck...no thanks. I will stick with the well reviewed ladies who actually return emails as fast as I do. Being a professional goes a long way.
I don't schedule off the boards or take the whole "I have multiple reviews on XXX. Ask any of those fine ladies about me."

I get that crap all the time, it's just part of it and I just let it go. I guess my thing is the lying that just assumes I am (pick one):

1)That dumb.

2)That blase.

3)That desperate.

okie dokie, my pc is clean, ads are written, now I'm off to buy some boxes to pack my incall up and work out where we're going. I need food too. l8r