I've been ROBBED... By a REVIEW

Hello to the ECCIE community,
I recently joined this review board and if your new like me you know how some hobbyists (not all, they're are some great guys) will try and use a review to have their way....

My last review was from a hobbyist who tried to use a bad review as leverage or should I say blackmail to get his way with me, initially we agreed on 250 for the hour, when he arrived he wanted me to do a long list of services which was fine but when the hour was over he told me he needed $40 for his cab ride home, I was totally shocked when he said if I didn't he would write a bad review and ruin my name and reputation on this review board, I was so upset I didn't know what to do I told him no way and that he could not have my donation back, he repeated that he would "do me in" because I was new on the review board and he walked out, I felt totally helpless...

I spoke to a close friend(also a VP) about my incident and she explained that this happens sometimes and the only thing to do is be nice and polite about the situation, but also be assertive and firm with your client. To all those ladies out there who have fallen victim to this I feel for you...

my question to the board:
Is this what I should be expecting on this review board or is this just one asshole ???

Feedback is appreciated. Thank you R.M.
  • GNG
  • 02-22-2012, 06:34 PM
Not an auspicious start...
Do you write reviews?
You are 18 and good lookin'...you should get another chance...
Those Houston guys are real assholes, you should move.
If he has a handle on this site, and you know it, not what he told you, but you know it, by a PM, lets say, then I would name his handle, not only here, but also provider buzz.
To answer your question, no...it is not to be expected if you screen thoroughly. The kind of guy you are describing, expects you not to check references, ask for screening info, etc. I have a hard time believing that a man who has to ask for $40 for a cab, would have glowing references.

If all your subsequent reviews are good, most guys know how to discern the BS reviews, from the legitimate ones.

Screen diligently and you will cut down on the predatory types, significantly.
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 02-22-2012, 07:16 PM
So, let him write a bad review, stating you wouln't give him $40 for the cab fare....he can feed himself to the wolves!

Surely, if he managed to save up $$ for time, he would have been smart enough to take cab fare too!
...well, maybe not.

Wolves need feeding too!
To answer your question, no...it is not to be expected if you screen thoroughly. The kind of guy you are describing, expects you not to check references, ask for screening info, etc. I have a hard time believing that a man who has to ask for $40 for a cab, would have glowing references.

If all your subsequent reviews are good, most guys know how to discern the BS reviews, from the legitimate ones.

Screen diligently and you will cut down on the predatory types, significantly. Originally Posted by Dannie
Bob Soldios's Avatar
Gah, I had written out a three paragraph response, and the site kinda ate it and erased it.. Here's the summary.

Of all his 6 or so reviews they are all agency girls, other than you. What this tells me is that he got brave when he was dealing with an independent as opposed to when he was working with an agency and knew there were others the girl in question would tell. Yep, he's a d-bag.

Of your reviews this is the only one that didn't give a yes recommendation. I don't know about the other guys around here, but when I look at reviews I always toss out the best and worst figuring those are outliers anyways. Which means in my book you're still an all-yes.

I'm sorry you got this guy, but I can tell you from years of lurking around here and posting a little most of the guys aren't like that. Heck, I'll even say that if/when I'm in Houston next on business i'll be tempted to look you up. Although still being a newb in the hobby with few references if you listen to the other ladies on here (which I agree you should) I'll need more references so you can know I'm not also a d-bag...

Take care, and I'm sorry again you had to deal with this guy.
CoHorn's Avatar
There are assholes everywhere. Listen to Dannie and Safire Sweet and please screen diligently. Be safe and good luck
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 02-22-2012, 09:13 PM
Are you referring to another negative review which has not been posted? Since you are based in Houston and all of your existing reviews are in Houston, should this post not have been posted in the Houston forum?
I will help you. I will you personally send you my screening tips.. and hope that they will help you further in the hobby. Don't give up on one asshole. There are PLENTY of great guys on here that I know personally.. and would love to see you. If you have questions.. feel free to call me. I'm known for helping new gals out. I would love to help you become a successful, independent, great provider... here they come via pm.. my screening tips. Guys and ladies... let's welcome this new hottie with open arms.. and courtesy. She's a cutie...

Amber Rain
CajunBred's Avatar
Screw that loser. The real question is when are you coming to Dallas? Now that you've posted this i the Dallas forum you are obligated to come here ASAP!
daty/o's Avatar
This was posted in the Dallas forum; was it a Dallas client or are you referring to your latest Houston session? If it was the latter, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Following your first five positive reviews, that one sounds like someone trying hard to find negative things to say, which lends credibility to your account of what happened. I realize that there are two sides to everything, but I don't see this hurting your reputation going forward. Don't let it get to you. Screen carefully and you should be able to avoid the troublemakers. Oh yeah, and move to Dallas.