On behalf of the unjabbed....

Redhot1960's Avatar
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  • 12-02-2022, 08:11 AM

Is this like a Muslim thing?
VitaMan's Avatar
That's not a worthy comment.
It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from contracting Covid.

It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from transmitting Covid.

There is anecdotal evidence that the vaccine will keep a person from getting as sick if he were unvaccinated.

Big Pharma contributes heavily to political campaigns.

Big Pharma is reaping record profits.
VitaMan's Avatar
Many medicines are like that, to prevent a severe illness or reaction. Which could lead to even further complications for a person in a weakened state.

Not all medicines are meant to be a complete prevention or cure.
It has been scientifically proven that the vaccines are extremely effective at preventing illness, severity of illness, incidence of hospitalization and death, as any humanoid that was not rabid shit sniffing monkey would be able to deduce.
It has been scientifically proven that the vaccines are extremely effective at preventing illness, severity of illness, incidence of hospitalization and death, as any humanoid that was not rabid shit sniffing monkey would be able to deduce. Originally Posted by greenbook

WRONG, that is the lie being pushed.

The Covid-19 virus is way different than any other virus out there. Also mRna vaccines have not had a good track record in the past which are what most Covid-19 vaccines are. You can't get accurate data as there is too wide a variation of symptoms and severity. It is also mutating enough that most of the boosters are good for the last variant not the new variant that is coming next.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
mRNA vaccine were made to help defeat cancer, not cold/flu like sickness that covid was.

the problem with mRNA, is that the vaccine doesn't stay in one place like the old style vaccines; it goes thru every organ in your body.
It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from contracting Covid.

It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from transmitting Covid.

There is anecdotal evidence that the vaccine will keep a person from getting as sick if he were unvaccinated.

Big Pharma contributes heavily to political campaigns.

Big Pharma is reaping record profits. Originally Posted by Jackie S
same with "Flu shot"
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from contracting Covid.

It has been determined by FACT that the Vaccine does not keep a person from transmitting Covid.

There is anecdotal evidence that the vaccine will keep a person from getting as sick if he were unvaccinated.

Big Pharma contributes heavily to political campaigns.

Big Pharma is reaping record profits. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Once again I think it is needed to be pointed out that the death rate among the unvaccinated far exceeds the death rate among the vaccinated since the Covid vaccines became available. My wife and I were vaccinated and caught Covid. Very minor. There is no reason to believe vaccinated people who catch Covid can't spread it to others. But the FACT is the Covid vaccines are effective.

Brot's Avatar
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  • 12-04-2022, 07:05 AM
2 minute video https://rumble.com/v1ycnck-on-behalf...abbed.....html Originally Posted by Redhot1960

The irony is highly entertaining. An original thought starts with digesting the koolaid and at least taking a dump.
Once again I think it is needed to be pointed out that the death rate among the unvaccinated far exceeds the death rate among the vaccinated since the Covid vaccines became available. My wife and I were vaccinated and caught Covid. Very minor. There is no reason to believe vaccinated people who catch Covid can't spread it to others. But the FACT is the Covid vaccines are effective.

https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/u...country=~50%2B Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

But, you have no idea of the number of people with Covid that have never had a positive test. There are also people that probably had Covid, but never tested positive.

You can pretty much find numbers to justify a wide range of positions, just depends on how you cherry pick your data.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 12-04-2022, 12:32 PM

You can pretty much find numbers to justify a wide range of positions, just depends on how you cherry pick your data. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Well just remember, the same can be said about your justifications.