The race baiters protest the Zimmerman Not Guilty verdict but ignore the murder of Darryl Green..........

Why ???

Black on Black crime doesn't pay political dividends................

On Thursday, July 11, police discovered the rotting body of 17-year-old Darryl Green, a black child from the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Green’s body was found behind a boarded-up house in the 6500-block of South Damen, face down on basement stairs. The body was so badly decomposed that originally, local news reports suggested that he had died of blunt force trauma. On Friday, an autopsy showed he had been shot to death. Relatives reported that Green had refused to join a gang at school.

Meanwhile, members of the media including Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Jesse Jackson focused on the “not guilty” verdict in the George Zimmerman trial over Trayvon Martin. The only media outlets that have covered the murder of Darryl Green are The Chicago Sun-Times and ABC 7 Chicago. The New York Times’ Joe Nocera mentioned Green in passing in a blog post devoted to highlighting gun crimes across the country. President Obama has not commented on Green’s death. Neither have any other politicians, including local Congressmen Danny Davis and Bobby Rush, or Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Neither has anyone at MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, The Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, or throughout the Hollywood community.

skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep nor does it serve to further the cause of maintaining a racial divide.

The issue is no longer e3quality but maintaining the profitable divide.
The Sharptons, the Jesse Jacksons, the Quanell X's and so forth do not stand to profit from a society of equality. True equality to free the people to vote for a real representative instead of someone like Shelia Jackson Lee.

Black on black violence does not sell on the news shows.
It doesnt sell at the polls.
It doesn't create the divide needed for the charlatans.

Equality would mean no more special assistance.
It would mean we would all have to fend for ourselves based on our ability rather than our skin color.

Until those that demand equality start accepting it, nobody will care if they kill each other off.
Chicago is not to be reported on in a bad light, which means it cannot be reported on, so says he.
You guys get that your efforts to make race and reverse racial prejudice a positive for the conservatives and republicans is a joke in everybody's eyes except yours, right? I mean, you're not seriously stupid enough to think that anybody, even your fellow wingers, are buying the argument/position that you and yours give one rat's ass about what happens to black and brown people. Right?

I get that the best defense is a good offense and all that. But, the shit you guys throw out is so nonsensical and stupid that only crazy, conservative white guys are buying. Which sort of defeats the purpose. Except, of course, to allow you guys to try to convince yourselves that you're not a bunch of racist, intolerant assholes. Is that part of it working for you? Because, believe me, everybody else realizes you are completely full of shit.
You creepy ass crackers ain't gonna stop the race baiters. Originally Posted by timpage
FTFY Originally Posted by gnadfly
Proving my point poor dumb fucker.
Yep nor does it serve to further the cause of maintaining a racial divide.

The issue is no longer e3quality but maintaining the profitable divide.
The Sharptons, the Jesse Jacksons, the Quanell X's and so forth do not stand to profit from a society of equality. True equality to free the people to vote for a real representative instead of someone like Shelia Jackson Lee.

Black on black violence does not sell on the news shows.
It doesnt sell at the polls.
It doesn't create the divide needed for the charlatans.

Equality would mean no more special assistance.
It would mean we would all have to fend for ourselves based on our ability rather than our skin color.

Until those that demand equality start accepting it, nobody will care if they kill each other off. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That's the best explanation I've heard on this topic. It's to bad other people don't get, but you apparently do and I commend you for it.
Proving my point poor dumb fucker. Originally Posted by timpage
Hardly. I simply rephrased what you said in the politically incorrect terms Obama's base understanda.

You just didn't catch it because of the butt hurt you are experiencing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Timmie, do you think about your mother with that brain??? Conservatives don't separate people by skin color like liberal progressives. We don't think anyone should have their rights (like life) violated by anyone else. As you can see with Zimmerman the jury found him not guilty but that is not enough for Harry Reid, Eric Holder, Barach Obama, or Angela Corey. They want to take another shot at him at the federal level. Speaking of shooting the Black Panthers, some pro football players, and other black leaders say that they (or someone like them) will "get" him. Those people are all liberal progressives just like you.
What Tommy doesn't understand,.....in America, conservatives out number liberals by 2:1.
