What were your favorite Super Bowl Commercials this year?

Aftershock's Avatar
I gotta say I have a few... The KISS Dr Pepper, Groundhog Day (w/Troy Polamalu), Budweiser friends, and the Bridgestone Wife trade off lmao! Runner ups would've been the KGB sumo, Megan Fox bubble bath Motorala, and the Dantes Inferno video game...I love the way they used Aint No Sunshine song for the Dantes Inferno ad.

The GoDaddy ads seem to have lost their edge and those E*trade ads need to grow up

Anywho, what yall think?
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 02-08-2010, 09:19 AM
Yea, the E*trade ads kind of creep me out. More loosers than winners this year IMHO.
oldtiger's Avatar
Megan Fox was funny, especially the look on my 14 y/o boys face....

Doritos w/little boy telling mom's boyfriend the way it is.

Punxsutawney Polamalu was creepy.... Although six more weeks of football, I'm all about that!

Casual Friday was not good, tighty whiteys, damn...
sanantonioman37's Avatar
I liked the one with betty white playing football
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-08-2010, 06:42 PM
Yes, the Motorola ad with Megan Fox was definitely a good one!
Dismal lot of adverts this year. Pepsi had no add...using add $$ for donating to community projects (And a big tax write off as well!!) My fav advert was Budweiser...That big pony horse tugs at my heart strings every year!! By the use of my colored font I guess you can tell who I was cheering for!!!
Precious_b's Avatar
Commercials for the 1st half of the game sucked except for Betty/Abe one.
Megan Fox could have been better (I actually was paying attention to the product!)
All I could think was "What a waste of money."

Had better ones second half.
I liked the Doritos "Bark Collar" and the Motorola "Megan Fox" commercials. The others were kind of lame. Not edgy enough.

I also have to agree with Oden. The E*Trade commercials creep me the hell out.
My favorite was the little kid telling the boyfriend to keep his hands off his mama and his Doritos! But I liked the eTrade kids too........I don't find them creepy - I think they're cute. Maybe they're going after the female audience?