Bored and don't want to sit in traffic right now

Don't worry, not going to offer any more self defense classes.

Anyway, I like to peruse the reviews and look at the various providers reviews linked in their showcases and I noticed a few things:

Some providers have a stellar reputation and 8-9 out of 10 yes reviews. Even then, there's almost (please note that I said almost) always a no or two in the bunch.

So it got me to thinking: How much stock do you fellow fucktards put into a no?

I figure that providers have bad days just like the rest of us, so that could have an impact on service. Also, a fucktard could show up and be a real disappointment to the provider, thus making her want to "just get it over with" and understandably so.

To be clear: I am not calling out any provider in particular. I figure if they've been around long enough they've heard all kinds of things about themselves.

So for the men: How much stock do put into a no review? Why?

For the ladies: How much does the fucktard's appearance, hygiene, or attitude impact your service level?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
The unfortunate reality is that most guys don't even write reviews at all much less a "no" review. It takes way more guts for a guy to write about a negative experience than about a positive one, particularly with an established provider. Most clients would just rather chalk it up to the game. Most never complain and never alert others about the experience they had.

For that reason I weight credible "No" reviews very heavily in my selection process because I know that for every one written there were countless others that were not.

However, it very much depends upon the level of detail in the no review and whether or not it sounds credible to me. I weigh that against the record of yes reviews she has and the level of detail included in them. Also, it depends upon the reason for the no. If a pimp jumps out of the closet and chases the guy down the hall with his pants down I take that much more seriously than a guy who says she offered GFE but didn't deliver (no offense whoever that was). I also tend to disregard things that are purely subjective.

I consider the source of both yes and no reviews. Has she been reviewed by experienced gentlemen whose opinion I respect? Was the no review written by a guy who has 10 reviews and 8 of them were "No" recos, indicating he is very difficult to please? Did he just join yesterday, indicating possible unrealistic expectations?

At the end of it all I determine for myself whether I think it was likely to repeat itself or whether it was a YMMV thing, a bad day for her or him, or maybe they just didn't click and rubbed each other the wrong way.
Prime Time's Avatar
Spice wrote my ATF "no" review: Christina was a bit too much authentic GFE for me, complete with too much talking, scolding, and rules.

Thanks Spice!
This is actually a prime example of what I'm talking about, Spice.

That chick that PT is talking about is smokin' fuckin' hot. I almost feel like I'd pop just talking to her.

That said, I get where you're coming from in your review of her.

So it each of your "professional" opinions, is it YMMV thing with her in particular?

Is PT a "prettier" man than Spice or are PT's "must have's" just in a separate ven-diagram from Spice?

I get the felling these are age-old questions in the hobby that everyone wonders but I'm the only one stupid enough t ask.

For the record, I think it would be awesome to hear the provider's perspective on this
SpiceItUp's Avatar
lol I do not think he means what you think he means. Also, I know you just got here but in that particular case there was a coed rebuttal from her that went splendidly

As to the rest of your questions, I don't know. Each of us can only speak honestly from our own experience.
Russ38's Avatar
Tell'em the truth Spice.....

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Clearly that is the answer, no matter the question
Russ38's Avatar
Clearly that is the answer, no matter the question Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Clearly....even Lauren said so....good enough for me....

Even if they're too shy to say it, all girls like it in the butt. Always the butt. Only the butt. Originally Posted by Lauren Mayfair
DToxxx's Avatar
I've learned not to take a "Yes" review for face value. I've visited with highly-rated providers and drove off saying "WTF were these guys talking about". Before I jumped in the hobby scene I thought the worst expense was paying for a meal I did not enjoy.

I'm my experiences I would have written more No the Yes. The recommendation portion would be a difficult decision. She may deserve a Yes because she did fulfill her duties. No in my book because I would never consider a repeat visit. Does that make sense?

I've also learned that a lot of the positive experience depend on my performances. If I bust a good one fast then can't really rock it up right after, well then that was a waste. Then again I fuck like a Rock Star \m/ and I'm like "Hell Yeah"!

I'm still coming down from one of the most awesome fucking sessions in my hobby career this eve. Actually the 1st woman I came back for a repeat visit. I almost want to right a review because it's not like I can tell my friends or co-workers about!
you have to view all the reviews, yes or no, sort of like a hologram. you have to put them all together and read between the lines to get a good idea of what a session with that chick might be like. And even then, you might be disappointed. my biggest problem is not being realistic or truthful when describing the girls looks. Some other things are also exaggerated. I remember seeing one provider because two of her reviewers commented on how tight her pussy was. Got there and there was enough room to put both hands in and clap.
Okay, here's my opinion... I believe that you should always research the provider you're interested in. For example, if you're the type of guy who likes to start off soft and passionate and all of her reviews say that she's a wild one in the bedroom, then maybe you should think about it. In my case, I often ask before anything starts what you like. How do you like? Every experience is going to be different, therefore if you like/want different things in specific then definitely let her know. I will always make sure I'm doing what you like. Foreplay is the key to an even hotter experience.
Hope it helped some (-:
STC: Thank you for showing up on this. I've had yes' with other guy's no's and vice-versa.

Here's the real question to you, though. Have you ever scheduled an appointment, had the dude show up, and been so repulsed that you're instantly marking things off your menu?

How about the opposite? Has Brad Pitt (or whoever you ladies think is hot these days) shown up and you were just as excited as he was?