Thank you messages

Have a curious question for the providers. If we have a good session would it be appreciated if we follow up with a private message saying thank you? Or would you consider that a waste of your time?
glade55's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
I have given just one, maybe two, and received a couple from Providers.. I think a rare "thank you" text is fine, but thinking from a Provider's POV, I might detect a little "neediness", a bit of mild "after-stalk", if you will..

better to tell her thanks as you leave, I've done that a lot..
doug_dfw's Avatar
I am a lover of those little after session notes as much as I often deliver them after a first happy meeting; sometimes after a great repeat but by then I always have overcome my break ice choke to utter verbally before I leave.

But I am an old fart who was taught by my Grandmother in arts of etigue lost a couple generations ago.

Then in consulting business I still do the same. I have repeat clients and loyal vendors. I see the Hobby as a business. Better client and vendor relationships are a business builder.
Just got a text from today saying he had such a great time. Little notes like that are the best. Sometimes i will send we as well if i just can't help myself letting them know how much i enjoyed them.
TrueCowboy's Avatar
Just got a text from today saying he had such a great time. Little notes like that are the best. Sometimes i will send we as well if i just can't help myself letting them know how much i enjoyed them. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
We gotta get together! I'm already invisioning my pm to you "I had a great time last night and I know I said this many times during our date....but once more, Great tits!!"
daty/o's Avatar
I am a lover of those little after session notes as much as I often deliver them after a first happy meeting;

But I am an old fart who was taught by my Grandmother in arts of etigue lost a couple generations ago. Originally Posted by doug_dfw
Same here; I do it all the time. Must be an old guy thing. But it's sincere..
milfy2002's Avatar
I enjoy receiving them (just one text does not = stalker) and I also try to send them if I feel I didn't get enough thank-yous in before you walked out my door.
Hey you aren't old. Wink wink.
A sweet text or PM. to let me know you enjoyed my company is a wonderful gesture. I send pm's. to my clients thru here to let them know I really appreciated their generosity.. Just something as simple as a pm ot text goes a long way in my book.
Goose2u's Avatar
I can't imagine anybody not liking a thoughtful text.... as long as you don't make it a string
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 09-29-2015, 09:42 PM
It's not uncommon for me to send a text, pm, or p411 message to let somebody know that I had a great time.

It's not as common to be on the receiving end of those messages but it really leaves me with a nice feeling a few hours or a day or two later when I get them.

Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.
What about a repeat visit as a thank you?
If i was a provider, that'd be the best way to show appreciation.
  • Gbfsl
  • 09-29-2015, 10:42 PM
I love giving and receiving thank you texts after a beautiful meeting. No matter if it was the first meeting or after many many meetings. Nothing ever wrong with expressing appreciation.
Starboi08's Avatar
I normally send a thank you message when I get back to my place and I've also had some providers text and thank me for a great session so I guess it can go both ways. Just don't be too needy about it.