17 year old forced to take chemo

JohnnyCap's Avatar
A Connecticut teen is being forced to be treated with chemotherapy against her will.

washington post

fox news

If 17 isn't old enough to make life or death decisions, it isn't old enough to drive.

If chemo can be forced in your veins, what else?
We are going to save you even if it kills you.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ah yes, the old at what age can what happen outrage.

Of course there are those that actually believe they made their best decisions of their life when they were 17.

The bent is to eliminate a persons choice when it comes to making decisions such as what you can eat, what you can smoke, what you can drink, any of which can can contribute to slow suicide.

Chemo sucks.
pyramider's Avatar
The teenager has legs, if she does not want chemo then walk out. Pretty easy.