Ladies, here is your chance; Gents, pay attention....POPCORN TIME!


I always like to hear both sides of the story so since my good friend Dagny is having such fun, I thought I might join the party with another fun thread.


Ladies, what have you encountered that really ruined the session for you? No names needed, just the things that really keep you from having (or giving) the best session.

This is NOT to slam people or stage your own little sermon. Please lets all be respectful of everyone's feelings and use it for informational purposes. The visitors to this board and newbies will undoubtedly find this info helpful.

I'll start
1. I really like the boys.....but if you have 2" hair they will not get my attention....You don't have to shave, just trim.
2. Clean your backside with the wipes and MYRIAD types of soap I provide. My face is INCHES from your hiney, best to leave a pleasant memory, don't you agree?
3. Don't try to get something for nothing, especially if I don't know you.
4. I always give okays on P411, but the funny thing is that noone will ever write a review because of this reason or that. If I'm helping you, then it's polite to help me, even if it's a short statement on my website guestbook. It helps......
5. If I'm talking during a session and you want silence......SAY "I'd really just like to relax right now and think of nothing". IT WILL NOT hurt my feelings. BELIEVE ME, I've been asked to shut up before... Some of us just have TOO MUCH PERSONALITY and have a hard time holding in our excitement about our JOB!!!!! I LOVE MY JOB!!!! And if you've been invited back, that means I adore you too!
6. All my clients are wonderful, otherwise they wouldn't be invited back.....but repeat clients are too often the perpetrators of rude or inappropriate behavior. You don't want to be that person.

I welcome other ladies to chime in and provide some entertaining reading material for the gents!!!!!
Nice thread sexy!

I do have to agree with what you have spoken of so far. I don't have many at least I don't think hehe. But here are a few of mine.

1. Please be clean if you are not, I do offer a shower with all men's products including un-opened tooth brushes. I dont count that as part of are time because I want you fresh and yummy.
2. Please do not PM or anything me if we have NEVER met and ask me for some kinda discount, it's not cute.
3.Oh and don't PM me is you are a newbie and have been here for one day and tell me in my PM " looking to get laid, what kinda services do you offer?" LMAO....hmmm.
4. Oh and I LOVE LOVE to kiss with a clean mouth, however please do not drool in my mouth like someone turned on a water hose. Control it lol it's really stomach turning.

I don't really have a lot, thankfully 98% of my friends have been VERY respectful and VERY fun!
Joel Goodson's Avatar
I've read these threads before, they can actually be very helpful when the gals take care how they present constructive criticism.

A big one I remember reading is to show up with clean, well trimmed, and smoothed down nails. An overlooked hangnail can really scratch a gal up inside.

EDIT: Oh crap! I just realized guys were not invited in to this thread.
please disregard.
Coffee! I need more Coffee...
I have a few.... if you would like me to give attention to the boys....please please clean and shave or trim them. I know most of you have so's but there has got to be some excuse you could come up with. Mostly just wash them! I have a shower, fresh towels and wash cloths with every manly soap and unscented soap possible. Please do not be embarassed if you need to shower! We all get stinky but its just bad manners not to shower or be clean. I have mouth wash, tootbrushes, gum etc. If ya need some just say so! Its no biggie! I will never include hygiene time as our time together. I asked a man once if he needed to shower when it was summer time and he had had a long car ride. I even went to the restroom, showed him where everything was, and even ran the water. He patted his head with a damp wash rag and said he was ready.The session did not go too well. The sad thing is we girls may get a bad review because we don't want to perform for someone has horrible breath, bad bo, or didn't clean themselves in the nether regions after using the restroom. I had another client lie to me about his age. He told me he was 65 and asked if I had an issue with it. I didn't but he was really very elderly as in his mid 80's. I honestly had a hard time with it. There comes a time when you have to draw the line between providing great service to everyone and disregarding your own personal boundries due to fear of reprecussions. My 2 cents
Also, do your homework!! I am not submissive lol! I had a man try to do all sorts of strange things me. I like to be the one doing the strange things!
I agree with everything said!!! Also I've heard a few ladies complain about roughness... some is good but nipples are attached lol so don't try to suck them off. same with kissing, teeth clanking does not feel good. I'm a slow sensual kind of gal when it comes to kissing that is.

Hygiene used to be a recurring problem a while back but I have no complaints lately. Showering before each visit is important for both parties. I have heard some horror stories from some guys who visited girls who not only smelled but had gunk between the folds of their va jay jays! That's bad. But I've also seen Gents with bad skid marks, and they just hopped right into bed like no big deal. Eeek! B.o is one thing but poo?

For me personally I hate 3am calls and texts. yes i have my phone on vibrate but when I wake up and see I was called at 3am I'm like Wht were ya thinking? My ads never state I'm free in the wee hours lol. So if I don't respond at 3am i will get back woth u when I get up

I'm not bashing anyone at all... just adding my 2cents. Hell I know I'm not perfect. But sometimes pointing things out makes one pay more attention to the little things. And then that makes the session even better for both parties!
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
had a good one recently. on the am of my day off (we set it up weeks ago) during the "directions" call

him: looking forward to a generous session.
me: generous? to whom?
him: extra time.
me: hmmmmm?

So then he was 20 minutes late.

Not a good start but I remembered him as a nice gent and we continued on for a great time.

I D.E.W. not have many troubles with the gents but there have been a few, I will stretch out the memory and see what might be a lesson learned.
Please forgive the oversight.....

If gentlemen have anything productive to add, I welcome it.

As long as it is considerate and polite conversation I see no reason to exclude our male counterparts!
this all sounds like common sense...
shave, shower, dont haggle, and dont try to make BB your bitch.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Ladies...I know that I am new and as of this moment still not a "verified" provider. But if I may add....

Gentlemen, please be respectful when a provider declines your offer for a session. We as providers decide who we do and do not want to provide for. Just as you as a hobbiest decide who you will and will not see.


Kiss my Grits. I'm sure you'll find a few fools. After all its a lot cheaper paying you $700 to leave now then 50% later.... sure she would find away to get more than 50
personally, i would rather she just whip my ass with a tire iron...than give her 7 billz...just to sit and listen to her run her mouth
OneHotMale's Avatar

Kiss my Grits. I'm sure you'll find a few fools. After all its a lot cheaper paying you $700 to leave now then 50% later.... Originally Posted by TxToast

Man all the hate in here. What some people seem to forget is these ladies are free to ask what they feel their time is worth and the gentlemen are free to either pay her fee or move on. No need to bash a lady for having a sense of what she feels her time is worth. If you can't afford her rate then just quitely move on instead of bashing the lady. Just my .02 on the matter.
Man all the hate in here. What some people seem to forget is these ladies are free to ask what they feel their time is worth and the gentlemen are free to either pay her fee or move on. No need to bash a lady for having a sense of what she feels her time is worth. If you can't afford her rate then just quitely move on instead of bashing the lady. Just my .02 on the matter. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
i agree...even if it does take weeks of playing games and 62 posts to come up with the magic number. im just happy its over with.
Isn't there already a thread where the ill mannered are bashing this young lady. Why don't we keep this one on topic.