
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
Again? But we've hardly gotten used to you being back!
eglrdr's Avatar
The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long, and you burned very, very brightly...
...Bladerunner 1982
Leslie Lane's Avatar
For anyone that has anything mean to say....... There, now I can
Elephant's Avatar
Budman's Avatar
And I thought my ex wife took a long time to say goodbye. Just go already. I can't wait for the "This is my last post" bullshit to start again.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
This is my last post.....
eglrdr's Avatar
For anyone that has anything mean to say....... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Leslie Lane's Avatar
No, life is much too precious.
Elephant's Avatar
So what did Angie say?

Two peas in a pod...
This is my last post..... Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
That's funny.

Suicide? Originally Posted by saj1000
That's not.
nuglet's Avatar
I miss ya honey, and it's a damn good feeling.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
I was waiting for my little spicy Nugget to wish me farewell. I just know he's going to be devastated. He's a mean little Nugget though...must be the spicy seasoning. Oh wait....he made it!!!! I'm going to miss you too Lil Nugget!!!

Lil Bubblegum must be under someones shoe....but I owe him a drink before I go. So here....Okay, third times the charm.