Unlikely in The Hobby

There was a guy I absolutely could not stand on this board. I pictured him as the big evil troll. He wanted to see me long ago. I turned him down, because of his rather seedy behavior. Plus, the girls warned me he was a cheap bastard! He always had snide things to say about me, or at least I thought he did. We debated back and forth quite a few times. Sometimes, it really hurt my feelings to the point I wanted to smack him. Months later my friend tried to convince me he was cool, but I would not listen. Fast forward a year.... he visited my girlfriends in a double session. I wanted to be there to see what he was really like, but I had to leave. Finally, that evening, curiousity got the better of me. Well, along with a drink or two My friend decided to meet some people out (hobbyist & providers). So... I was ten foot tall and bulletproof by this time. I invited this asshat out. When he arrived I was perched on a bar stool wondering what awaited. To my chagrin in walks my big teddy bear adopted brother!!!

Sixxbach, I love you Man
I don't care what anyone says about you now.

Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder, the dinner and drinks, all the fun nights out where you actually behaved like a perfect gentleman, and for being my buddy.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
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SofaKingFun's Avatar
I turned him down, because of his rather seedy behavior. Plus, the girls warned me he was a cheap bastard!

Thank you for all the fun nights out where you actually behaved like a perfect gentleman. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs

Hiya' Britney!

A couple of questions, if I may...?

-his behavior is still seedy and he's still a cheap bastard, right? That part hasn't changed, has it?

...just checking.

--And what about those other nights when he didn't behave like a perfect gentleman, care to share those stories with the class?

Heh. Just goofin'...

Glad to hear that you were able to get past the nonsense and make a friend.



GneissGuy's Avatar
Why do you act like that's unusual? When I'm done, the lady usually lies unconscious for a while, then quivers uncontrollably for half an hour or so, the comes the "Oh, my God!" stage, followed by begging for more, then waiting until her knees are strong enough for her to get up and walk, etc.

I tell you it might go to my head if I wasn't so humble.
Whispers's Avatar
No Wonder "momma" has him by the balls lately..... Big Ole Teddy Bear SixxBach must not have been above sucking a little milf titty to impress.

That's plain wicked!

Now I know why he hasn't had any time for the guys lately!

It's nice to see a lady actually acknowledge the ogres on occasion....
Alright Whispy, that's quite enough out of you. You leave " My Momma" alone. You would be surprised at how nice she actually is. She's an excellent cook too. Anyway, I have a bone to pick with you. I drove all the way to the comedy club the other night after your post of events last week. Only to find, SURPRISE, Sixxbach waiting for me with flowers and candy.
snoopdogg's Avatar
i have had the same feelings about Sixxbach,
and was surprised he became a mod here.

Who knows he may be a good guy...
Whenever i see a girl who see's six I think twice about seeing her again....
jus being honest......
sixxbach's Avatar
i have had the same feelings about Sixxbach,
and was surprised he became a mod here.

Who knows he may be a good guy...
Whenever i see a girl who see's six I think twice about seeing her again....
jus being honest...... Originally Posted by snoopdogg

I normally don't address comments made about how I moderate since you cannot please everyone all the time but you took a shot at me as a hobbyist so I will respond.

Since we are being honest here, can you let me know what common providers we have so I can think twice about seeing them again? PM will work since you have no posted reviews....


nuglet's Avatar
To know him is to love him... I've met him, and believe he's a good guy! FWIW
Not that he needs any votes, from what I know, he's slow to rile, and quite capable of handling himself.
snoopdogg's Avatar
I didnt mean it as a shot at u sixx
i dont know u....but britney seemed to have had the same feelings
about you, as well as other providers who were warning her against her seeing you.
Your posts at the previous place, as well as your preferences in hobbying was my issue...not you personally.

I used to post reviews all the time at the other place...but never got any credit for it. So i dont bother now.

I normally don't address comments made about how I moderate since you cannot please everyone all the time but you took a shot at me as a hobbyist so I will respond.

Since we are being honest here, can you let me know what common providers we have so I can think twice about seeing them again? PM will work since you have no posted reviews....


sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
EVERYONE has the capacity for good and evil. Not saying Sixx is good or bad; I'm just making a statement based on my own personal belief system. I try to judge people based on how they treat me. Just because you don't see someone bcd doesn't mean you can't go out and have fun with those people eithier. Take Wicked Milf, Whispers, Sixxbach, and Taylor Maiden for example. Some of these people that I just mentioned don't get along or have quite a reputation for their strong personalities. I manage to get along fine with all of them. Why, because I finally decided that people are more complex than their board persona's. People aren't always like their board persona's at all. Not saying I agree with any of them all the time or half of them sometimes!! We all have VERY different views, but that is where maturity comes in IMO. As far as your statement about not seeing a girl after Sixx. Well, I could see that, but I can gurantee their are a some men seeing escorts that have seen SW's, TV's, etc. No one ever knows. That's why we are all supposed to take universal precautions. Just because he sees SW's doesn't make him a bad person automatically. Sixx has been nice to me since we discussed our different view points and what the driving factors were behind them.
This was really a thread geared toward entertainment for those that could appreciate it, not to open up a can of worms
snoopdogg's Avatar
Totally agree with the sentiment of your post Britney

But yes that was my issue with posters like sixx and spydertoes..
not a personal one, but the fact that they see SW's and whatever else.
The truth is, as you say, i was judging his "board personality" and not the man.

EVERYONE has the capacity for good and evil. Not saying Sixx is good or bad; I'm just making a statement based on my own personal belief system. I try to judge people based on how they treat me. Just because you don't see someone bcd doesn't mean you can't go out and have fun with those people eithier. Take Wicked Milf, Whispers, Sixxbach, and Taylor Maiden for example. Some of these people that I just mentioned don't get along or have quite a reputation for their strong personalities. I manage to get along fine with all of them. Why, because I finally decided that people are more complex than their board persona's. People aren't always like their board persona's at all. Not saying I agree with any of them all the time or half of them sometimes!! We all have VERY different views, but that is where maturity comes in IMO. As far as your statement about not seeing a girl after Sixx. Well, I could see that, but I can gurantee their are a some men seeing escorts that have seen SW's, TV's, etc. No one ever knows. That's why we are all supposed to take universal precautions. Just because he sees SW's doesn't make him a bad person automatically. Sixx has been nice to me since we discussed our different view points and what the driving factors were behind them. Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
snoopdogg's Avatar
This was really a thread geared toward entertainment for those that could appreciate it, not to open up a can of worms Originally Posted by BritneyBangs

Back on Topic then.!!!
knotty man's Avatar
true that brit! ive learned to leave my anger and disgust on the keyboard. and not let it predestine my judgement of them as a person. people can be very passionate, snide and /or much more vocal behind the anonimity of a keyboard. i myself have found that my online persona is not a true representation of who i am. both good and bad. guess thats why face to face screening in non BCD environments can sometimes lead to meeting people you would normally have never thought to have seen before. we cant judge a book by its online cover