Talk of the Town

So......anyone going to the social

Rumor has it- I might be!

OK boys! You have officially been warned.......

See you there!

odikar's Avatar
edited OP request...staff
odikar's Avatar
Mods please remove post
how does one get invited to the social? I feel like the guy who didn't know about the taco party outside bill's office.
odikar's Avatar
Mode please remove my last post
nuglet's Avatar
how does one get invited to the social? I feel like the guy who didn't know about the taco party outside bill's office. Originally Posted by cakewalk
you need to find one of Whispers posts ( there's plenty, you won't have to look far), then look at his sig line for info about how to get invited.
Cityjazz's Avatar
Well, Miss Karlie, I had the pleasure of meeting you tonight. You are a wonderful lady. I hope to "call your bluff" and meet you again sometime.
Guest031411-2's Avatar
wow, what a party! Glad to have met so many of you for the first time, some for the second time, and a few for a few times!
Guest102312's Avatar
It was nice meeting you
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
I always think: Man, it would be fun to be invited to one of these. Then I think: Wait... what if it's all weird... with cloaks and masks... like that one Tom Cruise movie? But in the movie, there was also a massive orgy, so I figure a mask and slight creepiness is not a bad price for mega-orgy.

But then I worry I'll see an ex there and she'll be all, "Figured you be here" and I'd be all, "Psh... I take it you're part of catering?" We verbally abuse each other for another 3 hours, all while drinking alcoholic beverages... which eventually leads to angry, ex-lover sex.

Now I really wanna go. O_O
austinkboy's Avatar
Well Karlie, you were there... boy, were you there! Thank you from a very happy guy.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-20-2011, 07:25 AM
Thank you from a very happy guy. Originally Posted by austinkboy
... make that two!
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 01-20-2011, 08:08 AM
Sweet ...
TFF about the Taco guy! I just saw that commercial too! LMAO!