Time to clear the air

Jack Scheidt's Avatar
With the recent onslaught of covid-19 I believe folks are in general much more on edge. I know that I am. I hesitate to post this but I think it’s time for hobbyists to speak their mind. Yes I am a fairly new member of Eccie, but have been hobbying for several years in several states including Arkansas. Having said that I would like to share a few of my pet peeves. My ask is that each of you, especially the providers, accept it as constructive criticism and not as a bitch session for myself and other hobbyists.

I have been on several hundred visits over the past number of years, and one of the things I that I have noticed a few ladies do is to slow walk the beginning of the real activities, the activities that I came for. I enjoy talking and getting acquainted and catching up as much as the next guy. I’ll even allow the lady to vent if she’s had a rough day. But what I don’t care for is this eating into my hobby time. If I book an hour, please don’t spend 30 minutes chit chatting while I for the most part just listen. And then have your alarm set to go off in exactly 60 min from time I pulled into the parking lot. Nothing kills a climax more than to listen to the damn phone go off just as think I’m about to feel the tingling in my balls. That kills it. If the client did genuinely go over time by 15-20 minutes okay. But not because you slow walked the visit so you could milk the clock thus milk our wallet, that is a different story. And don’t milk the clock thinking you will get more time. That is just wrong!! And speaking of the alarm, turn the damn phone off during visit. It’s a distraction just like the alarm clock is and you taking the phone call is also cutting into the time I paid for. If I am paying for CFS and some of the other foreplay activities, please do not spend 30 minutes giving a massage unless I request 30 minutes of masssage, and there are times that I may want a longer massage. Some have actually been known to do this. If it happened to only one hobbyist I wouldn’t bother mentioning it. But if the same provider has done that to multiple clients, then it is most definitely noteworthy.

Another more recent issue has been a number of providers, while in the process of scheduling a visit, have increased their rate by $100 and in some cases $200 per hour. I have not only experienced it myself, but have heard recently from numerous other hobbyists that have experienced this. The reason given was the concern of covid 19 and the the additional inherent risk. I understand the health concern, but do you really think that 100 or 200 is going to be worth it if you did come in contact with a carrier that is asymptomatic? Honestly what it sounds like to me is some ladies might be taking advantage of the situation. If you are truly afraid of the virus the best thing you can do is stay home. Doing otherwise just seems disingenuous. Charging more during a national crisis reminds me of the afternoon of 9/11. I was parked in line at Sams gas pump waiting to buy some gas. Then some guy comes out frantically with his marching orders stating that gas was immediately going up to $4 per gallon from the existing $1 at the time. This was even worse because it was the big company taking advantage of the little guy. In the hobby case it’s the little gal taking advantage of the little guy, or so it seems. We are all in hard times here, some more so than others. All I would ask is for a lady to charge her normal rate, not offer a discount. Although a discount may not be a bad idea if business has been extremely slow and you are getting overwhelmed with bills. But if it doesn’t make sense then please don’t do it. If we did not want to see you then most of us would have never reached out to you. All I ask is to be fair here and not price gouge. This is not a case of supply and demand. It is a case of a health crisis situation, therefore the market won’t bear the exorbitant upcharge. You will end up without an appointment and if that was your objective to begin with then please just say you are not seeing clients right now and don’t gouge. It’s a huge turn off. And that’s not just Jack speaking rather it seems to be the general consensus among hobbyists.

Gentlemen, plese share your thoughts on the above topics, but also feel free to add anything to that is on your mind, especially if you know that you aren’t alone in how you feel about the particular subject. Ladies, my first ask is that you read this in the spirit of improving your business as well as the client experience. My goal was not to start a shit storm here, so please let’s try to be civil and professional and at the same time, better our hobby community here
I am not mentioning any names in this thread because that would be counterproductive. If you did any of the things mentioned then you already know.

Take it away!!
  • MrGiz
  • 04-14-2020, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I'd call it a bitch session.
My rates will stay the same period.
CatMan4u's Avatar
First sorry you had bad experiences
Where those ladies reputable
It seems with this virus thing there is more scams being reported
If you care to share who they where please pm me
I haven't been active for a
few months but was thinking
about a visit or two soon
I've also had several hundred sessions with providers. It's been my experience most providers are "managed". This includes eccie, oh2, etc. That said, I believe a lot of the providers freely chose to be managed for protection. I can't say I blame them. They never know who is going to walk through the door for an appointment. But it's VERY ANNOYING when providers are on their phone with their managers throughout the appointment. Text your manager when we arrive and leave. But you don't need to text him every 5-10 minutes. It's a major turnoff. And don't get me started on racist providers...
CatMan4u's Avatar
Guys it's so very simple
Guys it's so very simple
DON'T REPEAT WITH THEM Originally Posted by CatMan4u
Easy for a white man to say. Very difficult for a black man to put into practice. Probably 80% or more of providers are managed. There is a large percentage of the remaining 20% or less who want see AA. So sadly us black men have to take what we can get. If we didn't REPEAT with managed we would have little to no options.
Fr8nk&Bnz's Avatar
I'm a black man with standards. So I fuck em all.
Easy for a white man to say. Very difficult for a black man to put into practice. Probably 80% or more of providers are managed. There is a large percentage of the remaining 20% or less who want see AA. So sadly us black men have to take what we can get. If we didn't REPEAT with managed we would have little to no options. Originally Posted by John Knox
Maybe find a new hobby?
Dang, are you a novelist?
Way too much for me to read. Can you sum up in 100 words or less?
Exchequer's Avatar
Dang, are you a novelist?
Way too much for me to read. Can you sum up in 100 words or less? Originally Posted by eddie haskel
I think I got it down to 100 words, more or less:
austin88998833's Avatar
I think I got it down to 100 words, more or less:
Originally Posted by Exchequer
Sweet! Now that’s the kind of post that a country boy can read !!
Maybe find a new hobby? Originally Posted by Burningfiat
Nah, I think we'll keep hobbying. Black men like to have fun too. Besides, the hobby shouldn't be "white only" like a lot of neighborhoods in Bryant, Arkansas.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Um.....good luck to you man.
Lol, I'm with you Mocha!