Including the Scandinavian"??????

drez63's Avatar
Including the Scandinavian"??????
Can any of you movie or literary buffs help me out??? I've heard this phrase dropped in numerous movies, last being Alfred Hitchcocks "LifeBoat" (1944). I've heard in in recent movies as well. Google doesnt help much.The phrase is usually a sarcastic remark about publishing rights. Something like, "well ok but I get the publishing rights......including the Scandinavian"What is so important about the Scandinavian puboishing rights? Where does athis phrase originate? Was it a long ago inside joke?Help an old trivia guy out......
Wordsmith's Avatar
I think they were talking about duties on the boat from the way I read the script on-line. And it was meant to write the ship's log also in Scandinavian.
Copyrights of (most) US authors weren't recognized
in the Scandinavian countries until the world copyright convention
of 1952.
drez63's Avatar
now that makes some sense, thanks
  • Oppa
  • 02-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Copyrights of (most) US authors weren't recognized
in the Scandinavian countries until the world copyright convention
of 1952.
I guess the more timely phrase now would be "....including the Chinese?"