Breast Cancer Charity Ends Planned Parenthood Funding

This really disturbs me ...

Breast Cancer Charity Ends Planned Parenthood Funding

Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday that the leading U.S. breast-cancer charity would no longer provide new funding to the group, which performs abortions and other services at clinics around the country.

In a statement, Planned Parenthood said the Susan G. Komen Foundation had "succumbed to political pressure" from anti-abortion groups in cutting the funding.

Komen had begun notifying local Planned Parenthood affiliates that their breast cancer prevention programs will no longer be eligible for new grants from the charity, it said.

Planned Parenthood said Komen had not responded to requests to meet and talk about the decision to cut the funding, which it said had helped thousands of women in rural and underserved communities get breast health education, screenings, and mammogram referrals.

But it said the Komen Foundation had been "repeatedly threatened" in recent years by anti-abortion groups upset with its affiliation with Planned Parenthood.

The Komen Foundation, best-known for the Race for the Cure fundraisers it sponsors around the country each year, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

The foundation said it raised more than $1.9 billion for breast cancer research and programs and has affiliates in more than 100 U.S. cities and 50 countries. Its symbol - the pink ribbon - is widely recognized.

Planned Parenthood said Komen's funding had helped pay for 170,000 of the more than 4 million clinical breast exams the group had performed over the past five years, as well as more than 6,400 of the 70,000 mammogram referrals it has made during that time.

Planned Parenthood has come under attack by lawmakers in several states over the past year, including North Carolina, Indiana and Kansas, who have attempted to block any government funding of the group.

In Kansas, county prosecutors outside Kansas City are pressing criminal charges against Planned Parenthood, alleging the group failed to maintain required paperwork related to the abortions it provided.

Under current law, Planned Parenthood cannot use federal funds to provide abortions though it receives federal money to provide family aid to low-income women.

Ugh! *SMFH* Does it ever stop? Before I had insurance, I used Planned Parenthood, and thank goodness I did. Of course, one can argue the hypocrisy of an organization that preaches early screening and well-woman exams but pulls funding from another organization that does just that...and in the name of politics! Just an FYI, most PP clinics DO NOT offer abortions. But hey, some politicians seem to think that Walgreens offers pap-smears. Go figure. Again I Shake My Flippin' Head.
pyramider's Avatar
The stupidest thing of the year . . . Planned Parenthood does so much good for women. They provide exams, birth control, mammograms, parenting classes, etc. and all the politicos can focus on is a service they provide. I guess women are truly the weaker sex for putting up with kind of crap. I may be old and male, but I will be damned if some gray hair in Austin or Washington is going to tell me what I can or cannot do with my body.
Hercules's Avatar
Not 100% Komen's fault. Komen set into place a policy that would dis-allow grant money to go to ANY agency under investigation. Sound policy if you ask me.

But then a anti-abortionist group saw the opportunity and got a Florida Republican to start a investigation into whether fed funds were used for abortions. Until this "investigation" is completed Planned Parenthood is black listed as far as Komen is concerned.

I truly hope some of the donors that gave to Komen realize what kind of game is afoot and give directly to Planned Parenthood.
If you support Planned Parenthood (like I do), then you must offer financial support. Also you can spread the word that they don't like abortions either. They consider an abortion a failure of family planning.

(stepping off soapbox now)
steverino50's Avatar
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2012, 05:35 PM
The AP article.. .

Seems they are backtracking and mighty fast.

Komen drops plans to cut Planned Parenthood grants.

EDIT: Posted duplicate link before I noticed Steve already did.
Political or not. It's their choice to or not to give funding. I agree, planned parenthood supplies a great service to the communities, as well as Komen.

However, if Kommen chooses to stop funding, then so be it. Who are we to get pissy with Kommen because they decided to stop. Planned parenthood can and will find supplemental funding from other places.

Not sure at what point they are at in this process...someecards will surely have something for it...

guest061212's Avatar
self edit
guest061212's Avatar
I realized Kommen backtracked. However, getting the message out that a charity such as Kommen is making political decisions with the donations they receive is hardly getting pissy. That is the beauty of free speech.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Not 100% Komen's fault. Komen set into place a policy that would dis-allow grant money to go to ANY agency under investigation. Sound policy if you ask me. Unless you count this little reverse-engineered "policy." Pro-lifers get one of their tools in Congress to begin a "Congressional Investigation" of PP and the Komen board members, two of whom served in the culture wars dept. of the W administration, and then these misguided fugitives from the Junior League decide to make up this bullshit "policy."

But then a anti-abortionist group saw the opportunity and got a Florida Republican to start a investigation into whether fed funds were used for abortions. Until this "investigation" is completed Planned Parenthood is black listed as far as Komen is concerned. See above^^^^^ it's a transparently stupid coordinated action.

I truly hope some of the donors that gave to Komen realize what kind of game is afoot and give directly to Planned Parenthood. No shit Originally Posted by Hercules

Herc, it seems that 100,000+ Tweeters figured this out pretty quickly (1-2 days). You're spot on about this little adventure. I wouldn't be surpirsed that the Komenistas want to take over PP's role in screening for breast cancer. Wouldn't it be rich if all of those who the pink-K's allow to be screened looked like the whitebread soccer moms they use in all of their advertisements? This deal is so fuc*ing "North Dallas." Ah, screened to get screened.
guest061212's Avatar
Very Nice Randy. I love your perspective! (Laughing)
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Very Nice Randy. I love your perspective! (Laughing) Originally Posted by markpillsbury
There's one of 'em under every bed!!! Run! Hide!!