Fight Back: Congress Pushing Broad Internet Snooping Bill!

YIKES! I'm NOT OK with this invasive bill ...

Fight Back: Congress Pushing Broad Internet Snooping Bill

"A direct assault on Internet users" is what the ACLU is calling it. A U.S. House committee has already approved HR 1981, a broad Internet snooping bill which was introduced last year.

They want to force Internet service providers to keep track of and retain their customers' information -- including your name, address, phone number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses.

And get this: It's authored by lead SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith.

The ACLU, EFF, Demand Progress, and 25 other civil liberties and privacy groups have expressed our opposition to this legislation. Will you join us, by emailing your lawmakers today? Just click the petition link and fill out the form.

ISPs would collect and retain your data whether or not you're accused of a crime. Supporters shamelessly dubbed it the "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act," but our staunchest allies in Congress are calling it what it is: an all-encompassing Internet snooping bill.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill said, "It represents a data bank of every digital act by every American [that would] let us find out where every single American visited Web sites."


~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2012, 04:25 AM
What their title is saying is "Anyone who doesn't support this bill is a pedophile."

What's to stop them from just copy/pasting the SOPA into this bill?(hmm nada)

Anyone that wants to read the text of the bill look - HERE.

If you think you are doing anything anonymously on the web, you're out of your mind.
Great White Buffalo's Avatar
WOW, thank you for posting this information. Instead of it being referenced HR 1981, they should of have referenced it as "HR 1984" as in George Orwell's classic literature 1984.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-03-2012, 10:08 AM
Seems you aren't the only one to think that way. I've read similar on many different forums.
LovingKayla's Avatar
WOW, thank you for posting this information. Instead of it being referenced HR 1981, they should of have referenced it as "HR 1984" as in George Orwell's classic literature 1984. Originally Posted by Great White Buffalo
Funny the show Beck just did on this was entitled "1984".

And it's just one more prediction his crazy ass made that's come to pass. Google has now "updated" their privacy policy that takes away 60% of our privacy.

All hail the mighty king obama and his group of socialist men.

You guys didn't see this coming? 2 years ago? Really? Like him or not, he's right WAY often. You'd be completely up to date ahead of time if y'all watch him. This is only a very small piece of what's actually happening right now under our noses.

My very good friend and I pick at each other often. He's an Obama lovin socialist and I'm a staunch Beck supporter. He made a comment to me in jest about storing food... but you know what.... I have 10 acres WITH water and 4 months of food, water, fuel. I can count silver, eat, drink and watch recorded DVR for months. It may sound silly but the knowledge I'm ready for "whatever" in the short term is worth the price of admission.

If you think this most recent shit is bad, you're just going to LOVE what's coming down the pike. I'm ready. You?

And BTW no one wants me to be wrong more than me. I'd rather be laughed at with a full belly and lots of work than point my finger saying" I told you so" in the shit storm that is quite possibly coming.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
YIKES! I'm NOT OK with this invasive bill ...

Fight Back: Congress Pushing Broad Internet Snooping Bill

"A direct assault on Internet users" is what the ACLU is calling it. A U.S. House committee has already approved HR 1981, a broad Internet snooping bill which was introduced last year.

They want to force Internet service providers to keep track of and retain their customers' information -- including your name, address, phone number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses.

And get this: It's authored by lead SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith.

The ACLU, EFF, Demand Progress, and 25 other civil liberties and privacy groups have expressed our opposition to this legislation. Will you join us, by emailing your lawmakers today? Just click the petition link and fill out the form.

ISPs would collect and retain your data whether or not you're accused of a crime. Supporters shamelessly dubbed it the "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act," but our staunchest allies in Congress are calling it what it is: an all-encompassing Internet snooping bill.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California, who led Democratic opposition to the bill said, "It represents a data bank of every digital act by every American [that would] let us find out where every single American visited Web sites."

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
The ISPs are already keeping and storing this data, although not all of them admit it because if they did, the information could be subpoenaed. This bill makes storing the information a requirement so that it can be subpoenaed as required without any "the dog ate my homework" excuses from the ISPs.

I don't really worry about this too much. I don't steal content, I'm not a pedophile, I don't cheat on my taxes, and I don't really have much to hide from the government. If the government wants to see what I'm doing, so be it. Plus, if ever I REALLY needed to keep something secret from the government, I know how to do it despite their snooping.

SOPA is entirely different. SOPA is about a special interest group making a power grab that would enable them to censor the Internet without due process. That can never be allowed to happen because the interest groups pushing SOPA and PIPA, the RIAA and MPAA, have already shown themselves to be corrupt douche bags.
LovingKayla's Avatar

I don't really worry about this too much. I don't steal content, I'm not a pedophile, I don't cheat on my taxes, and I don't really have much to hide from the government. If the government wants to see what I'm doing, so be it. Plus, if ever I REALLY needed to keep something secret from the government, I know how to do it despite their snooping.

. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Go back to Russia commie. You are freaking nuts to just be OK with the AMERICAN government big Fing brother looking over over your shoulder. They aren't just looking over your shoulder, they are sitting on your face while they stick a red hot poker in your pooper.

I can not believe an actual American just said that. Wow. You are fired buddy.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar

All hail the mighty king obama and his group of socialist men.
Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Seriously? LK, did you and Glenn Beck miss the part about this invasive bill being pushed by a redneck Texas Republican and the fact that it's being opposed by 'King Obama's socialist men'... just like SOPA?

This is one of the problems with America right now. People don't even understand which side they're on. They fall victim to the BS rantings of a-holes like Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, Beck and Limbaugh and adopt a dogma that is in fact 180 degrees from the truth. It's worse and scarier than religion.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Go back to Russia commie. You are freaking nuts to just be OK with the AMERICAN government big Fing brother looking over over your shoulder. They aren't just looking over your shoulder, they are sitting on your face while they stick a red hot poker in your pooper.

I can not believe an actual American just said that. Wow. You are fired buddy. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
LK, if I felt you really understood each of these issues and weren't just a victim of Beck's rhetoric, I might be offended by that. But based on your post, I don't, and so I'm not.

All the best to you.

Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Go back to Russia commie. You are freaking nuts to just be OK with the AMERICAN government big Fing brother looking over over your shoulder. They aren't just looking over your shoulder, they are sitting on your face while they stick a red hot poker in your pooper. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I don't get it... what is big brother doing to me? Why don't I feel that poker? Please explain.
cptjohnstone's Avatar

My very good friend and I pick at each other often. He's an Obama lovin socialist and I'm a staunch Beck supporter. He made a comment to me in jest about storing food... but you know what.... I have 10 acres WITH water and 4 months of food, water, fuel. I can count silver, eat, drink and watch recorded DVR for months. It may sound silly but the knowledge I'm ready for "whatever" in the short term is worth the price of admission.

If you think this most recent shit is bad, you're just going to LOVE what's coming down the pike. I'm ready. You?

And BTW no one wants me to be wrong more than me. I'd rather be laughed at with a full belly and lots of work than point my finger saying" I told you so" in the shit storm that is quite possibly coming. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
I had a donkey friend of 30+years until 6 months ago, he started dumping his donkey shit on me

Phil Graham, what a turd

the only good things in society have been the democrats

etc etc

then when Murdock had his problems with wire tapping, he emails me, I bet fox news is not showing this, I replied, they are showing him before parliment right now, you bigoted SOB, a fair and truthful statement, since if I turn fox news on, he will leave the room

he has not spoken to me sense
LovingKayla's Avatar
Damn lust haven't figured out how to post multiple quotes in one post? Bless your heart. I understand you have a disability. It's ok honey.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Damn lust haven't figured out how to post multiple quotes in one post? Bless your heart. I understand you have a disability. It's ok honey. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Single point per post = less complex and higher impact with a diverse audience. Well-known marketing principle.

Now, instead of counting, how about if you respond to the substance?

All hail the mighty king obama and his group of socialist men. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
It escapes me how a bill introduced by an idiot Texas Republican representative, can be laid on Obama.
MickeyBlue's Avatar
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