Wax or Blade?

John Bull's Avatar
Ladies, which do you prefer? Which lasts the longest w/o stubble?
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Laser. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

Rudyard K's Avatar
Ladies, which do you prefer? Originally Posted by John Bull
Laser. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
+1 Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
atlcomedy's Avatar
Interesting. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Actually, disturbing was the first word that came to my mind
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
For them not us. Duh.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-13-2010, 08:43 PM
atl...is that Big Ben in your avatar? If so is one of the ladies in the pic one who made the accusation?

Ladies if you are butt ass naked in front of WTF, he could care less about your grooming habits! Put some ice cream around it he'll lick ya bald if ya like.
atlcomedy's Avatar
atl...is that Big Ben in your avatar? If so is one of the ladies in the pic one who made the accusation?

Ladies if you are butt ass naked in front of WTF, he could care less about your grooming habits! Put some ice cream around it he'll lick ya bald if ya like. Originally Posted by WTF
yes it is Ben -- not an accuser though -- in deferrence to PJ, DG, et. al. I wanted some tits in my avatar
If you are talking about our preference - mine would be neither, actually. Shaving can be a dangerous venture and waxing feels somewhat like a having a blowtorch used on your intimates! There is a method known as Sugaring. The benefit is that the sticky substance only adheres to the hair and not the skin. Although it is not painless it is significantly less painful than waxing.
Waxing lasts much longer without stuble.

I prefer a good blade. My skin is very sensitive and it's sheer agony to wax. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of laser - something about basically burning hair follicles till they die makes me think of cancer in 20 years. Might not be the case but I'm uneasy with doing major unnecessary things to my body.

I can't shave my lady bits too often or the skin gets extremely irritated. Fortunately I have plenty of time between dates most of the time, so I don't have to.

I do personally prefer being trimmed to completely shaven, but I can understand that smooth skin being better when I want to receive a really long session of oral pleasure
notanewbie's Avatar
I had a Brazilian done on a lost bet one time....other than the pain and embarrassment of the procedure it was awesome. My SO did not even notice but my p4p ladies appreciated it greatly.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I had a Brazilian done on a lost bet one time....other than the pain and embarrassment of the procedure it was awesome. My SO did not even notice but my p4p ladies appreciated it greatly. Originally Posted by notanewbie
Translator please.
John Bull's Avatar
I've had some major stubble burn on both my face and the tender part where the legs join the body from ladies who shave, but not often or close enough.
Having made a practice of trying to shave extra close before dates, I realize how difficult it is to get baby smooth w/o razor burns and cuts.
Ergo, the poll.
So come on ladies, let us know how you feel! It may pay off in the long run in better dates.
Sydneyb's Avatar
I've had some major stubble burn on both my face and the tender part where the legs join the body from ladies who shave, but not often or close enough.
Having made a practice of trying to shave extra close before dates, I realize how difficult it is to get baby smooth w/o razor burns and cuts.
Ergo, the poll.
So come on ladies, let us know how you feel! It may pay off in the long run in better dates. Originally Posted by John Bull

JB - you're probably running into women who wax - you HAVE to wait 3 weeks in between and it can get a little rough during the times in between....

For underarms (on women) laser is the way to go. Even on some areas down south. One thing my laser woman said was that the brazilians were very passe' - that Brazilian women don't do it anymore - its dancers, et al (if only she knew that my history proudly includes "et al" )....she highly recommended that only certain areas be done (and NOT the side ways adolf hitler - ugh).

As an aside: to prove her point, she talked about how there are a bunch of women now in their 50s that did electrolisis in the 70s of HEARTS decorating down south! She feels that women that do the whole shabang now (Brazilian) will be in the same boat in 20 years, if not sometime more soon. I'm sticking to everthing tidy, nothing fancy for the permanent world. The razor for anything you don't want to commit to forever....
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
All natural works for me. Except shaving the legs and underneath the arms. Hair is the new cool.

Just wait and see!


P.S. "Threading" is something to check out. Works on eyebrows very nicely, if the person doesn't get too enthusiastic!