Thank you Gentleman!!

Thank you to the gentlemen who have allowed me to make my wrongs right. It means a lot to me!!!

For privacy reasons im not naming names

If anyone has any further concerns please contact me directly
Thank you Friends and Foes alike. This has been a rough three year journey. I know its my own fault. Ive made a lot of mistakes and burned a lot of bridges along the way. I understand the wrongs in my ways. My emotional or financial state is no reason to rip some one off. I understand my mind set was not right then. And I have done everything I can to make amends.

I will suffer with the consequences of my actions.

Bridgette Originally Posted by yourself
Dang! YOU GO GIRL...

Way to come back from retirement - apparently the last round of benevolence wasn't enough (and we all know how that turned out) now some lucky gent has the opportunity to give you a ride from Austin.

Since you've changed for the better, I'm sure you'll put in at least $20 on the gas and buy him a muffin at that snazzy little bakery near Waco
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Hey Misspriss...

Does it feel good to look down on people and put then even lower? I would not know, I can only look up to people. They are all better than me. But that's not your case.

Meanwhile... (you know the drift)

In my opinion, there has to be a better way to promote (or plug) yourself than just trying to look less worse than your neighbor.

You can do better than this.
^ lol
Hey Misspriss...

Does it feel good to look down on people and put then even lower? I would not know, I can only look up to people. They are all better than me. But that's not your case.

Meanwhile... (you know the drift)

In my opinion, there has to be a better way to promote (or plug) yourself than just trying to look less worse than your neighbor.

You can do better than this. Originally Posted by luiz7667
Hey Luis,

I don't know...I typically don't look down on people, I'm only 5'4 and prefer sensible (3 inch) heels. Actually once I did work with a lady who (technically, though on the taller side) was a little person...I don't remember us standing face to face.

I know what feels good - putting up caution tape (you know the drift) around potential hazards so unsuspecting innocent people don't fall in to a ditch.

Plugging myself is awesome! My PMs are a hoot ... I just posted something hilarious on another we are all anonymous site - I'm an aspiring author, hopefully a kind sponsor picks me up soon!

Yes, I can do better - I'm always challenging myself daily.

Happy Sunday too!
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
You could try to spell my name right. but I don't blame you. Have a good Sunday too.
You could try to spell my name right. but I don't blame you. Have a good Sunday too. Originally Posted by luiz7667

Geez 7667 (sp?)

Lighten up, tomorrow's Monday

Let's grab a coffee sometime (your treat) ....
pyramider's Avatar
Coffee seduction?
Luiz is one of the nicest guys on this board. I have seen him kiss up to providers that I KNOW he has no interest in. You should take a hard look at why you are getting under his skin because I guarantee others (myself included) are feeling the same,
We all make mistakes and have some bad times. Good to acknowledge and get on with your life. People are generally forgiving. Good luck.
Luiz is one of the nicest guys on this board. I have seen him kiss up to providers that I KNOW he has no interest in. You should take a hard look at why you are getting under his skin because I guarantee others (myself included) are feeling the same, Originally Posted by yourself
I'm sure he is...I'm the nicest person I know (in real life) and? I know who I am, he knows who he is - this board is a public forum - with useful information and lots of entertainment.

I come for the info and just so happen to enjoy the human pageantry, it's people watching at it's finest. It's not that serious, I don't let random strangers 'get under my skin' and anyone who does should really take a hard look at themselves. Try the 'block' function if you spend more than one minute letting me get under your skin - there's a correlation between hypertension and heart disease, a leasing cause of death for men. Life is too short

There are thousands of members - not just the handful that participate. If someone doesn't like me, I'll make no apologies - put me at the TOP of your DNS list

I've gotten PMs from men I've never heard of that thank me for making their
day interesting. I'm a member, just like you and I participate - not a crime. I'd offer up coffee but something tells me you need to relax, perhaps alcohol would suit you better (on me!)
Dang! YOU GO GIRL...

Way to come back from retirement - apparently the last round of benevolence wasn't enough (and we all know how that turned out) now some lucky gent has the opportunity to give you a ride from Austin.

Since you've changed for the better, I'm sure you'll put in at least $20 on the gas and buy him a muffin at that snazzy little bakery near Waco Originally Posted by misspriss
Not cool. Do you have some experience with the OP that would give you even a scintilla of insight to back up your mean-spirited comments? Personally, I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. Unless you've never made any mistakes during your short period on this Earth I would suggest you hold back the next time you feel the urge to blindly shoot someone down just because you can.

Good luck to the OP!!!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I think it's great that someone can self reflect and change.

It seems to be a rare things now days.