I have a Question for the Providers:

I have read many times, don’t help providers in need. It’s not worth it. They will only burn you in the end. They don’t know how to show their appreciation, repay dollars loaned, or help them in other ways. They can’t be trusted. This is just a business to them and you are just an ATM.

Many times, I have read that her business is very SLOW, her phone never rings and she been waiting in this notel all day, is bored, broke, and Horney with nothing to do, and could use some company. “Company meaning dollars” I see specials all the time. Even have many threads about them but only 30-min to 1 hour specials. I Never seen any for dinner or overnight. I guess if the overnight or dinner date rates were more in line with hobbyist’s budgets, there would be more of them.

I for one would love to afford a longer date, where we could go to a club, (not a strip club) listen to some music, have a few drinks, dinner, get to know each other better than one or 2 hours would allow. “Though screening of course” Us older gents just don’t have the time, energy, or good looks to go shopping for a civie. Most don’t want or need a real GF but, we do miss the companionship and conversation of a night out. IMHO, that’s better than wham, bam, thank you ma’am.

I have also read that when a provider goes out, it’s with a GF to a strip club. Don’t ya’ll miss a night out with a guy? I think we could have a meeting of the minds here and solve all problems listed above if the overnight and dinner dates were more affordable or more in line with our budgets. I also noticed that some providers don’t even list these kinds of rates anymore. So, my question to all providers is:

If you fall into the category mentioned above, which one would you consider?

1) Stay in notel and wait for phone to ring, being bored, broke, Horney, and hungry. And still have to pay notel rate? Maybe even considering running a 30-min. or hourly special or tour to make phone ring?

2) Post, PM, or Email your special rate for Dinner or Overnight date to clients that showed interest in them? Did you know that when you have more than an hour, your IOP becomes more real? What do you think of an Overday as opposed to overnight rate? With an overday, you can get some drinks and go sit by the pool in the hot months to come!

If your choice was number 2, please put me on your list of clients interested.

I agree whole heartly spend a little extratime and the rewards
Will follow
I also look trust bith ways
I would probably say find a civi gf for those kind of activities IMO
pyramider's Avatar
A provider will go to dinner, concert, whatever ... you still compensate her for her time.

CG, if you want to aid a lady, go for it. Just do not expect special favors or money to flow back to you. If you give, give from your heart, and consider it a good deed.
Personally I think ladies who may be considering your approach CG should probably do it privately and reserve it for clients they truly enjoy. Most ladies have posted rates for ON and multihour session. If they were to undercut the posted rates, I am sure the guys who may have paid in the past would be upset.

I also agree with Pyramider if you're going to help do it because you want to.
I would probably say find a civi gf for those kind of activities IMO Originally Posted by TentNutrition
As i stated above, no time or desire to do that.

A provider will go to dinner, concert, whatever ... you still compensate her for her time.

I never said i wouldn't

CG, if you want to aid a lady, go for it. Just do not expect special favors or money to flow back to you. If you give, give from your heart, and consider it a good deed. Originally Posted by pyramider
pyramider, i think you missed what i said above. I didn't say i wanted to aid any lady or give any lady anything. I was just stating the reasons why hobbyists don't help providers in need. i have seen alot of threads and posts about that subject. and personaly, i think it's a shame that we all can't find a way to interact with one another in a more civilized manner.

Personally I think ladies who may be considering your approach CG should probably do it privately and reserve it for clients they truly enjoy. Most ladies have posted rates for ON and multihour session. If they were to undercut the posted rates, I am sure the guys who may have paid in the past would be upset. Originally Posted by Thatdude
thatdude, you make a very good point and one i haven't gave much thought to before reading your post. I have been on the boards long enough to know that this should be done privately for reasons you mentioned. Maybe thats why NO provider has posted.

I have read many times, don’t help providers in need. It’s not worth it. They will only burn you in the end. They don’t know how to show their appreciation, repay dollars loaned, or help them in other ways. They can’t be trusted. This is just a business to them and you are just an ATM.

Many times, I have read that her business is very SLOW, her phone never rings and she been waiting in this notel all day, is bored, broke, and Horney with nothing to do, and could use some company. “Company meaning dollars” I see specials all the time. Even have many threads about them but only 30-min to 1 hour specials. I Never seen any for dinner or overnight. I guess if the overnight or dinner date rates were more in line with hobbyist’s budgets, there would be more of them.

I for one would love to afford a longer date, where we could go to a club, (not a strip club) listen to some music, have a few drinks, dinner, get to know each other better than one or 2 hours would allow. “Though screening of course” Us older gents just don’t have the time, energy, or good looks to go shopping for a civie. Most don’t want or need a real GF but, we do miss the companionship and conversation of a night out. IMHO, that’s better than wham, bam, thank you ma’am.

I have also read that when a provider goes out, it’s with a GF to a strip club. Don’t ya’ll miss a night out with a guy? I think we could have a meeting of the minds here and solve all problems listed above if the overnight and dinner dates were more affordable or more in line with our budgets. I also noticed that some providers don’t even list these kinds of rates anymore. So, my question to all providers is:

If you fall into the category mentioned above, which one would you consider?

1) Stay in notel and wait for phone to ring, being bored, broke, Horney, and hungry. And still have to pay notel rate? Maybe even considering running a 30-min. or hourly special or tour to make phone ring?

2) Post, PM, or Email your special rate for Dinner or Overnight date to clients that showed interest in them? Did you know that when you have more than an hour, your IOP becomes more real? What do you think of an Overday as opposed to overnight rate? With an overday, you can get some drinks and go sit by the pool in the hot months to come!

If your choice was number 2, please put me on your list of clients interested.

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I got depressed reading what you just wrote. How sad and pathetic. Maybe I'm just weird or different...but I have never been in any of those situations...from sitting alone waiting for the phone to ring (I rarely turn my phone on in the first place), being broke and horny or go to a strip club. Eghhh!!! Not my cup of tea. If I'm bored, I'll find something to do either by myself or with friends...but usually I just hit some tennis balls. If I'm horny, I'll just play with myself I guess. If I'm hungry, I'll just get a bite to eat. If I'm broke...(knock on wood...I've planned well and never in that situation).

Not sure if I can spend/dedicate a full day either due to other responsibilites. 2 - 3 hours maybe doable. :-)
I got depressed reading what you just wrote. How sad and pathetic. Maybe I'm just weird or different.. Originally Posted by samantha thom
First off samantha thom, if you got depressed reading what i wrote, why did you read it and REPLY? maybe you think you can call people names, like sad and pathetic and not get any feedback but let me tell you something little lady. maybe you are weird or different, as YOU said. personaly i wouldn't see you if you were free after making that comment. This is a discussion board and if you don't like whats written, you don't have to call people names just because you think your ABOVE the rest of us, just leave. I won't miss you or anyone like you.