Does this happen to you?

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I keep getting weird texts from a Chinese girl who calls yourself Alice. She claims that she is sending her message to Cathy. Which off course is not me. She then tries to start a conversation with me.

Does anyone else get these or know what their scam is?
Yes I have gotten them before. I played along with one for a few weeks and eventually she tried to scam money out of me. She was very convincing.

Look up pig butchering scam or click on the link below. It’s pretty much step by step of what she pulled with me.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yes I have gotten them before. I played along with one for a few weeks and eventually she tried to scam money out of me. She was very convincing.

Look up pig butchering scam or click on the link below. It’s pretty much step by step of what she pulled with me. Originally Posted by happycamper

“Alice” then asked me if I wanted her phone number.

I told her I could already see it on her text….and so could the FBI , but since you let this pony out of the barn, let’s put a saddle on it and see where it takes us.

I haven’t heard back from “Alice”.
Tell them that you forwarded their number to My Pillow dude and they will get telemarketed until the unplug from the internet and use the cable to hang themselves!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Tell them that you forwarded their number to My Pillow dude and they will get telemarketed until the unplug from the internet and use the cable to hang themselves! Originally Posted by Anonymous01
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