Your Silly Traditions?

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I am Italian, German, Irish, Scottish, and a tiny bit of English and Welch but not enough to count. Therefore I grew up with some deep rooted traditions.
I was on the phone with my parents tonight and we talked about a few of them coming up.
Cutty Black Sow for Halloween, they did a great Tales From The Darkside of it that I LOVE. They have the full 21 min episode on YouTube for other horror buffs(I have the entire series on DVD).
Us Celts started All Hallows Eve aka Halloween so it is a HUGE deal for us. We celebrate the dead, celebrate harvest, and started dressing up and going door to door. When it became Christian they would dress up so that spirits wouldn't recognize them and carry out acts of revenge on them before moving on.
Every year we celebrate by carving and painting pumpkins and turnips for the Irish.
The day after All Hallows Eve we do a shot for All Saints Day and to honor the safe and peaceful passing of the dead onto the next world.
Every year we plant garlic on All Saints Day and pluck it on the 4th of July for the Italian American.
On Halloween we always used to get told about raw head and bloody bones that got kids that didn't go to bed when told to. If you stay in bed you're safe, if you get up and wonder around except for going to the bathroom he would lay in wait then get you!
Pic below.

For Christmas there was Santa and THE Krumpus!!! They both carried a huge sack. In Santa's he had presents for good kids, if you were bad Krumpus puts you in his sack and makes a Christmas meal out of you. Krumpus pic attached below.

For St Pattys Day we wore Green for Catholic, Orange for Protestant, and White to make the flag.
What are your silly traditions and stories?