Former Red Wings' Announcer Joe Cullinane Dies

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I have a lot of fond memories of the old Red Wing/Silver Stadium on Norton Street. Joe Cullinane was one of them.

When we were kids in Little League; once a year all the teams from our town attended a Wings game wearing our uniforms. We took up a whole seating section. Boy, as children, we thought we were cool donned in baseball uniforms at the game. Being in a Triple A, minor league stadium was quite the big deal to us.

Even though the old stadium was run down, it still had a lot of character: the huge left-centerfield wall which contained the old scoreboard and the Midtown Plaza clock replica affixed at the top. In the old days, when Rochester hit a home run, the birds on the clock were supposed to revolve around – it hadn’t, however, worked for years.

As I grew into a teenager, and later a man, I vividly remember many a summer night of Joe Cullinane’s trademark call crackling over the AM radio, “A swing and a miss!”

Anyone else have memories and stories of the old ballpark? I’d love to hear them.