question for providers.

spurge1's Avatar
I generally only see one girl. I'll stick with her until she either lies to me about something important or let me down a time or two. Lying is a big one. I understand that there needs to be some hiding of things etc. initially by the providers, but as they get to know me, they usually very quickly find that I am very chill, non-judgmental, and for the most part genuinely concerned about them as people. I will give a provider a few chances as long as the connection gets a little deeper, but when I get to a certain point if they don't know me well enough to not lie to me then I move on. I'm not in this just to fuck as many different type of girls as I can, I've done that. I have a huge and diverse sexual appetite, and because I really like to meet and get to know people. My question is this, do providers actually want clients like this that want some sort of friendship/ honesty etc? or do you really just want to keep work and everything else separate? I'm not trying to wear anybody out, or be all up in their shit, just want to hear providers take.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I give up...
Reading that just gave me the chills.
Agreed, kinda creepy and a little invasive , the hobby is the hobby , it's for's a fantasyland , too much realism is just too much...I like to connect with my guys , but not to the point where they feel the need to dig into my personal life nope..
ZedX79's Avatar
Fuck no.
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Go easy on him y'all he is a super sweetheart and hottie Dorian lol stop it n hi luv!!! spurge we do build friendships with some of the guys we see and occasionally very deep friendships a lot of times it is on a ymmv basis. Every guy I meet I'm not letting int my world or crossing the line into invasive territory. Different ladies do different things. Hope this helps out some luv
spurge1's Avatar
Thanks for the back up Mila! I'm not asking to asking to baby sit anybodies kids. I should've just said, do you like to get to know your clients/ have repeat clients or would you rather just fuck them and send them on their way. Question wasn't for hobbyist. I could give a fuck what they think about this. We all got our different things. Some guys like Asian, some like big girls, I like a girl that doesn't feel like they have to bs me. Honesty makes my dick hard.
I give up... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-25-2013, 03:14 PM
I have seen my ATF for over 2 years I don't know her real name. I don't ask her her real name either. I've had girls tell me their real names and I forget it as I walk out the door. No need to bring reality into fantasy. I have my fun then I go. I lie too. I don't share my real name I don't tell her if I was fucking other girls is the reason I haven't seen her in a while. Some guys need a girlfriend. That may just be what you need. The lie is half the game the lie is what keeps us safe.
carkido45's Avatar
Go easy on him y'all he is a super sweetheart and hottie Dorian lol stop it n hi luv!!! spurge we do build friendships with some of the guys we see and occasionally very deep friendships a lot of times it is on a ymmv basis. Every guy I meet I'm not letting int my world or crossing the line into invasive territory. Different ladies do different things. Hope this helps out some luv Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
The line is reality and fantasy .Don't cross it .
I know some of my providers well but I don't ask certain questions nor do they so no one has to lie .
I am friends with one ex-providers no more p4p and I respect her fences , that's why we're friends .
spurge1's Avatar
I guess that was my real question. We each have our reasons that we are paying for it, and different styles of choosing girls and repeating or not repeating, as providers have their reasons for being in the game. My previous ATF didn't want to seriously date anyone until her son was 18, which worked out good for me because I've got my own reasons for not having a full time relationship. I didn't ask her anything she didn't volunteer first. She wanted more of a connection than I did at first, but in the end I was glad we made it. So my real question to providers is- Do you want some sort of friendship with some of your clients. As far as the honesty part, I just mean feeling comfortable enough to not lie about big shit- drug use, fake money problems, and let them in on SOME things that are important to you. Or would you rather the whole thing just be complete fantasy. Red pill or blue pill Neo?
Depends on the guy...and how I feel about him. Some people you are going to automatically click with, because you're on the same wavelength. Things naturally flow. You don't feel threatened by them. They go out of their way to show they care about you, and not just to get a freebie (or in a provider's case, more money) I can say that I am honest with those hobbyists that I am close to, there are a few, and twice I can say I've fallen for a hobbyist. But when it came down to it, I knew my boundaries... and so did they.

On a sidenote though: One question I hate especially the first time you see a guy is, "Do you have any kids?" Most of the time I respond no even though I do, which is also uncomfortable but it closes the door to more questions like how old, boy or girl, etc. I do not want to discuss my kids with you. Why in the hell is that a common question in the "getting to know you" 15 minutes. This is not speed dating.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Thanks for the back up Mila! I'm not asking to asking to baby sit anybodies kids. I should've just said, do you like to get to know your clients/ have repeat clients or would you rather just fuck them and send them on their way. Question wasn't for hobbyist. I could give a fuck what they think about this. We all got our different things. Some guys like Asian, some like big girls, I like a girl that doesn't feel like they have to bs me. Honesty makes my dick hard. Originally Posted by spurge1
They don't call this the coed forum for nothing.

It sounds as if you are looking for a relationship with a provider. That can be a slipery slope but I would guess you already know.

I have seen my ATF for over 2 years I don't know her real name. I don't ask her her real name either. I've had girls tell me their real names and I forget it as I walk out the door. No need to bring reality into fantasy. I have my fun then I go. I lie too. I don't share my real name I don't tell her if I was fucking other girls is the reason I haven't seen her in a while. Some guys need a girlfriend. That may just be what you need. The lie is half the game the lie is what keeps us safe. Originally Posted by trey
Your crazy Trey.

The line is reality and fantasy .Don't cross it .
I know some of my providers well but I don't ask certain questions nor do they so no one has to lie .
I am friends with one ex-providers no more p4p and I respect her fences , that's why we're friends . Originally Posted by carkido45
Lines get crossed all the time...shit happens
DallasRain's Avatar
Depends on the guy...and how I feel about him. Some people you are going to automatically click with, because you're on the same wavelength. Things naturally flow. You don't feel threatened by them. They go out of their way to show they care about you, and not just to get a freebie (or in a provider's case, more money) I can say that I am honest with those hobbyists that I am close to, there are a few, and twice I can say I've fallen for a hobbyist. But when it came down to it, I knew my boundaries... and so did they. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

On a sidenote though: One question I hate especially the first time you see a guy is, "Do you have any kids?" Most of the time I respond no even though I do, which is also uncomfortable but it closes the door to more questions like how old, boy or girl, etc. I do not want to discuss my kids with you. Why in the hell is that a common question in the "getting to know you" 15 minutes. This is not speed dating. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

ditto---well said!

I have a connection of some sort with 95% of my clients....some know my real name/some do is really not a big deal to me ....I have nobody to worry about finding out who i am,except for my mom....
I have a connection of some sort with 95% of my clients. Originally Posted by DallasRain
If I don't like a person enough to have an honest conversation with them, then how can I like them enough to be my passionate self with them - and vice versa? That doesn't mean that there are no boundaries in place - some things should not be shared. I will say that some of the longest running friendships I've had have been with hobbyists I've either seen regularly or socially. We're all human beings. That doesn't mean I want us to braid each other's hair, but if I know someone is going through a tough time, I do my best to send positivity their way.