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There is no such thing as a "moderate Muslim"... McCain is a globalist who has been corrupted/Islamified...

Syndicated News
Obama's Go-To 'Moderate Islamist'
By Andrew C. McCarthy
National Review Online
Posted 2014-09-17 18:15 GMT

Mohamed Elibiary.
On Monday, I had a follow-up to last week's column on why members of the Obama administration and other transnational progressives deny that the Islamic State is Islamic -- viz., because they want to ally with what they call "moderate Islamists." If Americans grasp that "moderate Islamists" and violent jihadists share the same basic ideology, such an alliance becomes politically untenable.
Case in point: The curious tale of Mohamed Elibiary, the Obama administration's go-to "moderate Islamist" for counterterrorism advice.

The "moderate Islamist" folly has both domestic and international components, and the Obama administration is far from alone in it. On the foreign-policy side of the equation, see David French's excellent post on Monday highlighting how the administration (echoed by the GOP's McCain wing) is again calling for the arming of the purportedly "moderate Syrian rebels" -- and don't miss continuing coverage of these U.S.-backed "moderates" as they collude with terrorists from al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. When that same strategy was applied in Libya, it gave us the Benghazi Massacre, contributed to the rise of the Islamic State, and left the country in jihadist clutches.

My Monday follow-up column dealt with the domestic side of our government's "moderate Islamist" charade: the appearance last week of several administration officials with a number of their Islamist advisers -- leaders of enterprises linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. These organizations and institutions continue to have Obama's ear even though some were proved in court to have conspired in the Brotherhood's conspiracy to provide material support to Hamas, its Palestinian terrorist branch, through a "charity" known as the Holy Land Foundation.

Now the Washington Free Beacon's Adam Kredo reports on Mr. Elibiary, Obama's appointee to the Department of Homeland Security's Advisory Council . . . though not for long. The administration has quietly announced that Elibiary is about to be cashiered.

Obama and then--DHS secretary Janet Napolitano made Elibiary a key counterterrorism adviser even though he had been a regular contributor to the very Holy Land Foundation charity the Justice Department had prosecuted. The HLF, it turns out, was established by Elibiary's longtime friend Shukri Abu Baker. The latter was among the defendants convicted of using the "charity" to finance Hamas -- he is serving a 65-year sentence from the prosecution that Elibiary dismisses as Islamophobic persecution.

Elibiary's intriguing credentials also include his appearance at a 2004 conference in Dallas that paid "Tribute to the Great Islamic Visionary" Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. In addition, he has publicly praised the Islamic-supremacist writings of Muslim Brotherhood theorist Sayyid Qutb, so inspirational to Osama bin Laden, Omar Abdel Rahman (the Blind Sheikh), and other infamous terrorists.

As I've previously recounted, Elibiary was tapped by the Obama Homeland Security Department for its expert working group on "Violent Extremism" (because we wouldn't want to call it "Jihadist Terrorism"). It was this panel that formulated the president's vaunted counterterrorism strategy, which envisions having law-enforcement agents pare back their intelligence-gathering activities and take their marching orders from "community partners" (i.e., local Islamist organizations).

Elibiary's star has fallen because even this Islamist-friendly administration is embarrassed over his commentary about the "inevitable" return of the Muslim "caliphate." Islamic-supremacist rhetoric is not out of the ordinary for this, shall we say, nuanced counterterrorism expert, but it was a tad untimely: Elibiary's tweets are being praised by Islamic State affiliates, potentially facilitating their recruitment of young Muslims into the anti-American jihad.

That's not all. There are also allegations, broken by investigative journalist Patrick Poole in 2011, that Elibiary used the access to sensitive information afforded by his DHS position to obtain documents that he is said to have peddled to the media for purposes of manufacturing a claim of "Islamophobia" (what else?) against Texas governor Rick Perry.

Congressman Louie Gohmert (R., Texas), among others, has been pressing the administration for an explanation regarding both the leak allegations and how Elibiary managed to get a security clearance. Representative Gohmert, you may recall, is also one of the five House conservatives who asked how Hillary Clinton's top aide, Huma Abedin, managed to get a security clearance despite her extensive (and not very moderate) Islamist connections. For their trouble, the five were vigorously attacked by Senator McCain, who took time out from calling for arming the "moderate Islamists" in Libya -- or was it in Syria? -- to defend Ms. Abedin on the Senate floor.

Obama's DHS denied any wrongdoing by Elibiary after what it claimed was a full investigation. Nevertheless, Mr. Kredo reports that when Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act claim for details about this investigation, DHS said it did not have any. After the usual Obama-administration foot-dragging, DHS finally acknowledged in a 2013 letter that it could not find any "investigative records regarding the alleged mishandling" of sensitive information by Elibiary.

Was there a real investigation by the Obama administration of its Islamist counterterrorism adviser? We don't know. We just know it has suddenly been announced that Elibiary won't be reappointed.

By the way, the Obama administration also consulted with Muslim "experts" when it purged information about Islamic-supremacist ideology from the materials used to train our law-enforcement, intelligence, and military personnel. I know you'll be shocked to hear this, but the administration refuses to identify its expert consultants -- in fact, the administration took the astonishing step of classifying their identities when Congress started asking questions.

But don't worry: We can rest assured that the experts Obama put in charge of what our national-security agents get to learn about our enemies are very "moderate Islamists."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now, your own GOP hero John "Hundred Years War" McCain isn't right wing enough for you, Slobbrin?

You really are a hardon!
lustylad's Avatar
Hey SEE3772,

Once again, you start a thread by making up a topic and providing no backup. Yeah, I see a link to John McCain's comments on Hannity last night. No where in his interview does McCain "admit to meeting with ISIS" as you claim in the thread title.

You throw up a photo of McCain and provide no text. Who are the other men in the photo? Do you have any identities or proof they belong to ISIS? McCain supports the Free Syrian Army. He wants nothing to do with ISIS, except in his own words to "kill 'em".

Why do you deliberately mislabel and distort everything? Do you think no one is going to call you out on your bullshit?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hey SEE3772,

Once again, you start a thread by making up a topic and providing no backup. Yeah, I see a link to John McCain's comments on Hannity last night. No where in his interview does McCain "admit to meeting with ISIS" as you claim in the thread title.

You throw up a photo of McCain and provide no text. Who are the other men in the photo? Do you have any identities or proof they belong to ISIS? McCain supports the Free Syrian Army. He wants nothing to do with ISIS, except in his own words to "kill 'em".

Why do you deliberately mislabel and distort everything? Do you think no one is going to call you out on your bullshit? Originally Posted by lustylad

Pot, meet kettle!

lustylad's Avatar

Pot, meet kettle! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Fuck off, assup. I elaborate, explain in detail, and provide backup for everything I post.
I thought President McCain should have been impeached when he supplied Libyan rebels with small arms two years ago.
LexusLover's Avatar
I thought President McCain should have been impeached when he supplied Libyan rebels with small arms two years ago. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You mean the nightmare is over?
SEE3772's Avatar
Hey SEE3772,

Once again, you start a thread by making up a topic and providing no backup. Yeah, I see a link to John McCain's comments on Hannity last night. No where in his interview does McCain "admit to meeting with ISIS" as you claim in the thread title.

You throw up a photo of McCain and provide no text. Who are the other men in the photo? Do you have any identities or proof they belong to ISIS? McCain supports the Free Syrian Army. He wants nothing to do with ISIS, except in his own words to "kill 'em".

Why do you deliberately mislabel and distort everything? Do you think no one is going to call you out on your bullshit? Originally Posted by lustylad
This is not the first time that Juan has met publicly with such people.
If you have issues with this content... Again.... I just post what Obama, McCain, Romney, H. Clinton etc... the state department, the cfr, the treasury dept, even the MSM... oh and people like Ret Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer
Intelligence officer who ran Able Danger and who's a senior fellow at the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, including the Psychology of Terrorism, Leadership and Effects-Based Operations, and has been a frequent guest lecturer and exercise participant at the US Army War College (USAWC) Center for Strategic Leadership and Development (CSLD)... And other higher ups in the military that I've posted.... Wait till the declassified 28 pages missing from the 9/11 report is public. Ron Paul and others say it answers and explains what those have called a conspiracy theory for 13 years. So your issue is not with me.
lustylad's Avatar
...So your issue is not with me.
Peace Originally Posted by SEE3772
My issue is very definitely with you. You started a thread entitled "John McCain Admits Meeting With ISIS" and you provided nothing to support it. I don't give a fuck about John McCain but I do give a fuck about your lies and distortions. Exactly where does McCain admit to meeting with ISIS?
SEE3772's Avatar
The YouTube link was removed.
New link...
lustylad's Avatar
The YouTube link was removed.
New link... Originally Posted by SEE3772

It's 6 min. 51 seconds long. I watched the whole thing. Still waiting for you to pinpoint exactly where McCain "admits to meeting with ISIS" as you posted in the thread title.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Junior, are you defending the McPalin ticket again?
Hey SEE3772,

Once again, you start a thread by making up a topic and providing no backup. Yeah, I see a link to John McCain's comments on Hannity last night. No where in his interview does McCain "admit to meeting with ISIS" as you claim in the thread title.

You throw up a photo of McCain and provide no text. Who are the other men in the photo? Do you have any identities or proof they belong to ISIS? McCain supports the Free Syrian Army. He wants nothing to do with ISIS, except in his own words to "kill 'em".

Why do you deliberately mislabel and distort everything? Do you think no one is going to call you out on your bullshit? Originally Posted by lustylad
The right-wing whack argues with the even more right-wing whack. Amusing.
lustylad's Avatar
The right-wing whack argues with the even more right-wing whack. Amusing. Originally Posted by timpage
Wrong, timmytard... SEE3772 is a 9/11 truther. Like left-wing whacko Van Jones. Like left-wing whacko Rosie O'Donnell. Like left-wing whacko Toure. And those are just the ones who work in the media... So pay attention, timmytard. You shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

Our media overlords love to mainstream leftwing fanaticism. 9/11 Trutherism is no exception. Even though the mainstream media prides itself on being oh-so rational and pro-science, the most anti-science among us enjoy star status and 1%-sized wealth from some of our most prestigious media outlets.

ABC: Rosie O'Donnell - On this anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, let us take a moment to thank ABC, home of World News Tonight, for re-hiring the most ignorant (fire can't melt steel) and foul 9/11 Truther to ever enjoy the national spotlight. O'Donnell is not only returning to ABC's "The View," she's doing so as the star and savior of the network's aging current event series.

NBC News: Toure' - Race grifter Toure' stopped Tweeting some months ago. But the leftwing lunatic's public Trutherism has been captured forever. Despite this, Toure' has been made a wealthy One-Percenter thanks to a big fat paycheck from NBC News for his starring weekday role on MSNBC's "The Cycle."

CNN: Van Jones - You didn’t think the most disgraced name in news would fail to put a leftwing Truther on the payroll, did you? After Jones was ousted from the Obama administration for his Trutherism (among other things), CNN fell over itself to make him a wealthy part of the CNN family.

HuffPo: Donte Stallworth - After the leftwing Huffington Post announced its hiring of former NFL player Donte Stallworth (as a national security writer!), it took the Internet about 2 minutes to out him as a 9/11 Truther. In response, the HuffPo lied about Stallworth's Trutherism, and it took the Internet less than a minute to expose the lie. As things stand, this 9/11 Truther remains a national security writer for the Huffington Post.
Note that these Truthers are all lefwingers working at leftwing media outlets. Originally Posted by Whirlaway