Remembering the past

I am returning to the business after having been out for a few years. I started doing some research to see if there were any old reviews anywhere. Even though I worked really hard to make sure they were deleted back then, I came across a few and OMG!!! I loved reading the very detailed reviews and they have made me even hornier and happier to be back!! They also really made me miss my girlfriends that I used to play with.

Do any of you ever go back and look at old reviews to remind yourselves of the amazing times you have had??

I just had to get that off my chest...ok now to go play with myself and take a shower!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Yes actually I do that too. Especially because I don't keep a journal very well, those reviews are whole life stories sometimes. I miss Michelle Jenkins. She was the best, smartest, most beautiful woman back in the day. I haven't seen her in a very long time but boy do I miss her.
Its a great way to get a detailed description of the fun you have had!!!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Not sure how you'd have access to read the "juicy details" unless you were violating basic board policy by getting men's access to read them.
It wasnt on this board. Like I said they were old reviews (from 2005 and 2006 actually) on another board and the details are not hidden apparently.
pmdelites's Avatar
i keep copies of some of my reviews, going back 5-6 yrs. like you said, they bring back nice warm fuzzies ..... and hard-ons :^)

i need to write some reviews of recent dreams i've had so i will have them later on.

from reading my archives, my overall approach to intimate deliteful encounters has not changed all that much in all those years. i have added some new activities, but really enjoy some classic ones. recently, i have been told "you are a lot of fun. i sure hope you will come back and visit me." warms the cockles of my cock, err, heart.

hope to make some memories w/ you soon!
I am looking forward to seeing you again and making new memories! unfortuantly there are few reviews for me to see and read, but I thoroughly enjoyed the ones I did read...