What do providers see, when it comes to reviews?

I'm sure this is established somewhere, but I can't find it. What can a provider see when it comes to the reviews. My assumption has always been that they can see everything but the ROS (Though I suppose they could make a fake male account to see that too, but that of course costs money).

Am I correct in my assumptions?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yes you are. If you were to log off the site then navigate to the review you would see what they (and anyone else without PA) sees.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
However, I believe there is an exception to that rule.

As I understand it, if a provider is with an agency, then they have access and can read the entire review.

. . .It is only logical that any provider would want to read all the details of her reviews and find a way to do so, but reviews are a two-edged sword. Providers generally want good reviews to generate business, but they worry about adverse comments that may hurt them later.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Agencies do not get PA status.
Not a(n obvious) threadjack:

Can a provider see "any" private comments? ....specifically in a thread she starts?

For instance, a provider starts a thread in coed or welcome, and I put in a private comment....can she read the private comment?

I've been told an op w/o PA can see private comments in a thread he starts. Is that the case with providers?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
No, they cannot.

That is an option with Vbulletin that is not utilized here. Not necessarily so on other Vbulletin driven sites out there.
However, let's be honest. Any provider with more than two brain cells to rub together can figure out a way to get a paid account to view all this stuff.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Pretty much any system can be gamed if someone wants it bad enough.