This is DJ I was a provider in Austin about 9 years ago and was under Angel because there was a Dee Jay that did full service at the time. I lived and worked in Balcones Woods. It was a nice place very safe from hood or cop activity. Cell phone service was on and off which I am seeing visiting here in Kileen is the same way. I am coming Tuesday for a short 3 day visit and since its been such a long time I thought I would ask is there is a stay away zone, that providers should not go and advertise in that part of town? For example in Dallas We know you CAN NOT advertise for working in Irving or Addison and now Plano with out getting hasselled by the cops and that's any kind of service. Is there a section of town that's like that in Austin.
Where would the hobbiest here most like a girl to be? (besides on her back) lol No really, I would like to know where a visitor should go that is a less troubled area of course I am staying in a hotel I prefer the marriots hot tub is always prefered lol but dont want to prebook my room right in a middle of a HOT ZONE! I'm coming down with Caremell/Eve but shes been away almost as long as I have so we have no clue. Thanks for the information.