Don’t worry, Hillary’s talking to foreign leaders!!!!

bambino's Avatar
Something tells me we won't see Michelle Obama holding up a #BringBackOurGirls sign for these women.

Does Hillary's political capital outweigh Kamala's and Obama's?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hillary's breaking out the pants suits! She thinks she see's an opening! Kamala says, "not so fast bitch", when the Big Guy fails, I'm next in line to which Hillary smiled and said "and you actually believe that do you"?
  • oeb11
  • 08-19-2021, 08:12 PM
just when One thinks - "It can't get any worse" - the DPST Communists find a way.

Let's appoint 'r' and 9500 as official DPST envoys of nonsense to Afghanistan

let teh Taliban deal with their propaganda, and laughing at Afghanis falling from planes to escape their new fiden installed masters!
adav8s28's Avatar

let teh Taliban deal with their propaganda, and laughing at Afghanis falling from planes to escape their new fiden installed masters! Originally Posted by oeb11
Fiden installed? Trump sign an agreement with the Taliban that the USA would leave in May 2021. Biden extended the date to August. If the USA trained Afgan security forces were not going to fight in August, they were not going to fight in May either. Nothing would have been different if we had stayed with Trumps May date for withdrawal.
Fiden installed? Trump sign an agreement with the Taliban that the USA would leave in May 2021. Biden extended the date to August. If the USA trained Afgan security forces were not going to fight in August, they were not going to fight in May either. Nothing would have been different if we had stayed with Trumps May date for withdrawal. Originally Posted by adav8s28
With you WTF isn't Trumps fault...feeble attempted to deflect ANYTHING the pissant fucks up which is EVERYTHING.
The pissant is a sorry POS and there is no defense of that...keep trying...keep failing
adav8s28's Avatar
With you WTF isn't Trumps fault...feeble attempted to deflect ANYTHING the pissant fucks up which is EVERYTHING.
The pissant is a sorry POS and there is no defense of that...keep trying...keep failing Originally Posted by bb1961
The fact is Trump did sign that agreement with the Taliban for the USA to leave AG in May 2021. Non essentials left the U.S. embassy in April 2021. Biden moved the date to Aug. You just have to accept that Trump wanted out. Does your T.V. work? The AG security forces surrendered to the Taliban, would not fight after 20 years of training from the USA.

BTW, if the USA does not stick to Trumps agreement then OUR soldiers will have to go back into combat with the Taliban. Why do you think there has been peace all this time? The Taliban wants control of Kabul, that's why they cut the deal with Trump. Wake up.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Just when One thinks - "It can't get any worse ,,, just more appeasement ( remember the liberal dumbocrats don't even like whats happening)
texassapper's Avatar
The fact is Trump did sign that agreement with the Taliban for the USA to leave AG in May 2021. Non essentials left the U.S. embassy in April 2021. Biden moved the date to Aug. You just have to accept that Trump wanted out. Does your T.V. work? The AG security forces surrendered to the Taliban, would not fight after 20 years of training from the USA.

BTW, if the USA does not stick to Trumps agreement then OUR soldiers will have to go back into combat with the Taliban. Why do you think there has been peace all this time? The Taliban wants control of Kabul, that's why they cut the deal with Trump. Wake up. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Another dumbfuck self-identifies. As I explained in another thread, Beijing Joey is the POTUS now... he can void the agreement if he chooses... just like he canceled the Keystone pipeline. This is an argument over un-assing A-stan this is over how it was done. BJ ignored the advice of the Pentagon and Intel services... instead of working with our Allies he just overnight withdrew our forces. A wiser course would have been to evac civilians first before armed forces... but then Biden and his crew of Trannies, affirmative action hires, and butt plug activists don't have enough brain cells between them to read an eye chart. You can read the Doha agreement yourself if you like... it does NOT address how the withdrawal occurs.

This is ENTIRELY Beijing Joeys fault and EVERYONE fcuking knows it. EVERYONE.

Deny it to your hearts content, but you know it to be true. It's such a colossal fcuk up that even the Democrats operatives of the Press can't cover it up.

  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 07:33 AM
Fiden installed? Trump sign an agreement with the Taliban that the USA would leave in May 2021. Biden extended the date to August. If the USA trained Afgan security forces were not going to fight in August, they were not going to fight in May either. Nothing would have been different if we had stayed with Trumps May date for withdrawal. Originally Posted by adav8s28

When all else fails the Sheeples of teh Communist DPST party - BLAME TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!
Try reading ta's comment above - pithy, comprehensible to 2nd graders, and Correct (Right - I know u hate that word)!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Small point T withdrawal was non - combatants first ,, not this cluster fucking mess ,,,
adav8s28's Avatar
BJ ignored the advice of the Pentagon and Intel services... instead of working with our Allies he just overnight withdrew our forces. A wiser course would have .......
Originally Posted by texassapper
Numbnuts, I guess you did not hear General Miley The Chairman of Joints Chief of Staff testify that no one gave him or anyone else an intelligence report that said the Afgan Army would be overwhelmed in eleven days. An Army of 300,000 that the USA had trained for 20 years. No will to fight. No one saw that.

Sure Biden could cancel Big T's agreement with the Taliban. What does that mean. It means our troops go back into combat with the Taliban. Which is something neither president wanted.

Keep dreaming about DeSantis as president. He has mismanaged Florida as bad as Trump mismanaged the pandemic for the USA.

Dumb ass Gov Greg Abott wasn't concerned about any long term study on the two shot vaccine. He got his 8 month booster shot as soon as checked into the ICU after getting infected. What a hypocrite.

Stupid republican.
Oilrig's Avatar
Keep dreaming about DeSantis as president. He has mismanaged Florida as bad as Trump Originally Posted by adav8s28
The Governors of the two largest blue states are getting tossed out

Go to the John Hopkins Covid Map and you'll see all the outbreaks are in Democrat run cities

Miami Orlando Tampa Biden has failed to get his own voting block vaccinated

LexusLover's Avatar
Numbnuts, .... Originally Posted by adav8s28
You voted for Bitten & Kumola. And you call anyone "Numbnuts"?

Oh, yea. Who told you Trump signed an agreement with Taliban?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Governors of the two largest blue states are getting tossed out

Go to the John Hopkins Covid Map and you'll see all the outbreaks are in Democrat run cities

Miami Orlando Tampa Biden has failed to get his own voting block vaccinated
Originally Posted by Oilrig
DumboCrats are ditching Cumo of NY before they have to do an inventory of the nursing home Covid deaths ... before 2022.

Grabbing pussy is more important to them.