NCNS AliceS is a waste of time

JJ8901's Avatar
AliceS showed up on p411 so thought I would give her a try even though she has only 3 reviews ....huge mistake.

AliceS NCNS me. Send 411 request early morning, AliceS replied back 11 AM and I sent PM to confirm. 30 minutes before I PMed her to text me location. she was online and read receipt confirms she read all my messages, so I thought I would head over to the general area. rookie mistake on my part

most 411 providers are prompt and professional, and I have quite a few okays so screening is always a breeze. But I made a rookie mistake of headin out before I got an address.

long story short, when I was close, PM asking for location at time of appointment.. ...nothing. she didn't bother to reply with a quick, can't make it or busy.....nope..... she went completely silent.

I live in the area so no big deal, just wasted maybe 20 minutes of my day.

but just a warning to others if you see her on 411
Nobody cares. Move on. Next.
damn....she's hot

Sistine Chapel's Avatar

AliceS NCNS me. Send 411 request early morning, AliceS replied back 11 AM and I sent PM to confirm. 30 minutes before I PMed her to text me location. she was online and read receipt confirms she read all my messages, so I thought I would head over to the general area. rookie mistake on my part Originally Posted by JJ8901
She did no such thing...maybe she is guilty of not texting back but she didn't NCNS NCNS yourself..listen let me explain something to you the real world if a girl ignores you she is not interested. In the hobby if a girl doesn't respond back she is not interested, changed her mind or found someone willing to out pay you. Its that simple. In this case you should have gotten the point. Silence from anyone is not desirable but you have the responsibility to understand what that means. I rule in favor of the provider in this case.

Wise King Solomon out.
You are right OP.....rookie mistake. Just move on my friend.
kerwil62's Avatar
She did no such thing...maybe she is guilty of not texting back but she didn't NCNS NCNS yourself..listen let me explain something to you the real world if a girl ignores you she is not interested. In the hobby if a girl doesn't respond back she is not interested, changed her mind or found someone willing to out pay you. Its that simple. In this case you should have gotten the point. Silence from anyone is not desirable but you have the responsibility to understand what that means. I rule in favor of the provider in this case.

Wise King Solomon out. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

OP never got an address. He should've never left his house.