Can a leopard really change his spots?

OK. I’m going to post this in a couple of forums and go immediately to bed.

First of all, it doesn’t pay to mix anger and alcohol. The result sucks for everyone involved.

Second, my anger tends to have a hair trigger, and I do stupid things when I am angry, and even more stupid things when I am angry and PWI.

That’s the down side.

The upside is that it works as a catharsis, and I don’t stay angry very long. But in the meantime, I’ve been a train wreck to myself.

The last couple of days I’ve offended many on these boards, and I’m sorry.

This won’t get me off banned lists that I’m now probably and firmly ensconced upon, I realize that. Oh, well, I’ll just have to live with it.

Hopefully, my future posts will be more like my historical ones, and not the ones I exhibited in the last two or three days.
Guest022210's Avatar
This post is the Charles I know. Everyone wears a coat they don't recognize themself in from time to time. Most wounds heal with a thoughtful apology and time.I am afraid there are too many of us who forget this is a hobby board and nothing we do is a matter of life or death. It's always a lot more fun when you keep it light.
It takes a big man who knows when a humble apology is indicated.
scratch that.. i need to step away if i can't decide to stick to my post.. last time..sorry
Not quite sure what to make of a speechless DeAnna...

Feeling like I may be in Eccie's version of the Twlight Zone!

Say it, DeAnna, say it! Inquiring minds want to know!
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Not quite sure what to make of a speechless DeAnna...

Feeling like I may be in Eccie's version of the Twlight Zone! Originally Posted by Girl Nexxxt Door
I'm listening closely for a trumpet blast, and watching for signs of the Rapture, myself...

The End Times are to be accompanied by signs and portents, and if DeAnna exercising discretion in a discussion thread isn't a sign and a portent, I don't know what else can be.

[grins, ducks and runs]

