'The Memo' Isn't What Staunch Trump Defenders -- or Haters -- Want It To Be

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Here's what the memo is not: It is not a total nothingburger, the mere release of which poses a grave threat to our intelligence-gathering capabilities or national security. Nor is it a 'smoking gun' that either proves gross wrongdoing at the FBI, or undermines the integrity of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation.

Three big takeaways:

(1) The central claim being advanced by those who are outraged over the contents of Nunes' memo is that it proves the FISA warrant targeting ex-Trump aide Carter Page would never have been approved without the controversial and unverified Steele dossier.

(2) Did the FBI and DOJ withhold crucial information from the FISA court regarding the provenance of the evidence it presented to obtain the Page warrant? The Nunes memo says 'yes,' and that's a concerning charge. ... Was the judge informed that a significant basis for the evidence being reviewed was: (a) an opposition research file compiled by a very biased source (Steele) who was deemed unethical and unreliable (by the FBI), and (b) paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the opposing campaign? If not, that is a serious problem.

3) Crucially, the document released by House Intelligence Committee Republicans demonstrates that the counterintelligence investigation into Trumpworld's potentially suspicious connections to the Russian government did not begin with the much-discussed FISA warrant targeting Carter Page.
LexusLover's Avatar
Any "memo" is just that: "a memo"! As a "memo" it only "proves" what the author (and anyone signing off on it as a reviewer/supervisor) said on the topic at a given time in the event they try to deny what they said.

It is not admissible in a legal proceeding (except as stated above) and the "best evidence" is the underlying documents and testimony upon which those opinions in the memos are based.

A problem with the initial "memo" in that regard is the FBI representatives reviewed it before it was released to the public.

Another "problem" with the "counter-memo" and "counter-bullshit" going on it is remarkable that when the initial leaks allegedly from the dossier hit the media it was a "conviction" of Trump (even in this forum) and it was considered the end to his Presidency ... but now that it's been pretty debunked and determined to fraudulent and false (not to mention orchestrated and bought by the DNC/HillariousNoMore Campaign Team) NOW the dialogue is .... "it really wasn't of any significance in obtaining the wiretap and communication spying by the Feds" for the Clinton Campaign!

I even heard this fool (thought surely it was StandingInShit himself) spouting off that the dossier was only ONE (1) PIECE OF THE "REQUIRED" 10 facts to get the "WARRANT" so there were 9 other FACTS upon which to based the warrant request ... when asked what the "9 other facts" are the said well that's part of the investigation so we can't publicly discuss that "INFORMATION" ... but "we "know" they had to be good because the order was signed"!!!!!!

(For all you petty bullshitters my quotes don't mean I am directly and exactly quoting what the duffus said ... but using quotes to distinguish from my writing) ...