
leslie@nn's Avatar
If you could retire ANYWHERE, where would you go?
leslie@nn's Avatar
I'd fly right down to Costa Rica
CoHorn's Avatar
I'm retiring is Spain next year. Heading there again in September to find a house.
Headed to Costa Rica next week for two weeks. Second trip this year.
mtabsw's Avatar
I've heard you can retire to a cruise ship for about the same money as a high end retirement community. Anyone check that out?
leslie@nn's Avatar
I've heard you can retire to a cruise ship for about the same money as a high end retirement community. Anyone check that out? Originally Posted by mtabsw
I've heard the same thing!
leslie@nn's Avatar
Headed to Costa Rica next week for two weeks. Second trip this year. Originally Posted by Holedriller
Costa Rica is amazing in every way.
Costa Rica truly is amazing. I could easily live there.

I visited Hungary awhile back. Beautiful country with what seems to be a v
ery low cost of living.

And i saw this cruise ship deal the other day. Very interesting…
Hopefully Heaven and the Golden City. Earth is not retirement. Too much crazy shit here.
TheReferee's Avatar
Yes! Costa Rica!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Paris. I used to spend quite a bit of time there. Just a few weeks twice a year now. Maybe London second.
Dont plan on retiring. Maybe I wont be doing what I am currently doing when I am 70 ... Maybe ... But I plan on working myself into the grave.
Dont plan on retiring. Maybe I wont be doing what I am currently doing when I am 70 ... Maybe ... But I plan on working myself into the grave. Originally Posted by HndsmGntlmn

Good plan. Most humans want to be lazy and they think everyone owes them.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Summer in Montana and Winter in Costa Rica....mountains or sea. Also, both place probably have moderate cost of living.
2xH3Lix's Avatar
I've heard you can retire to a cruise ship for about the same money as a high end retirement community. Anyone check that out? Originally Posted by mtabsw
it’s cheaper from what I’ve been told, I know some gen z’d who work remotely that will rent cabins on a cruise as it’s cheaper than rent in some big cities.