Am I the only one that loves looking at all dick?? Originally Posted by Issabella MonroeMaybe. If you're truly someone that "loves looking at all dick."
I prefer to touch instead of look. And although I do find penises interesting, even have a few photography books of male nudes, female nudes seem to be prettier to look at.Which raises the question "What makes a penis 'pretty'"? (That's strictly a rhetorical question in this context, though I'm sure there may be some that would be interested in your answer, so don't let me stop you from answering it if you feel so disposed.)
Although nothing is better to view than a pretty penis!!! Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Men's magazines often feature pictures of naked women.
Women's magazines also feature pictures of naked women. This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is lumpy and hairy and should not be seen by the light of day. Men are turned on at the sight of a naked woman's body. Most naked men elicit laughter from women.