Any VIP Parties in Dallas ?

Since, this topic is closely related to Hobbying, I felt this would be the right place to seek answers....
Mods - if you feel this is not the correct place for it, please feel free to move it out..

I am not aware if there are any VIP Parties (just like the ones we see in Porn Movies) happening in and around Dallas...
If there are any, then please let me know..
Even others reading this thread, may be interested in them !!
And, it would be better if you chime in with all the information, like the Fees, Criteria, Rules etc !!
Nobody knows about the VIP parties here ?
Gents / Ladies - please share your thoughts, if you know !!!
FunInDFW's Avatar
Kinda ruins the VIP-ness of the party if every schmo knows about it...
That's True - FunInDFW..
Too many cooks spoil the broth !!
But, if guys are seriously interested, and they have no clue where that's happening, then it doesn't make sense, isn't it ??
FunInDFW's Avatar
Na. These private parties are usually offered/discussed in private forums here. Forums that require the owner to invite you. Gotta build up a rapport before someone trusts you with directions to the cookie jar.

Or, when you see a girl regularly you mention to her that you really wish you could go to something like that. And then she lets you in on the info should she know and think you're worthy of attendance.
FunInDFW - Awesome... Thanks for that intel !!
Not sure how I would go about seeking that piece of info....
German41's Avatar
Watch Fight Club
Thanks German !!