Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he is allowing the stay home order in Texas to expire on Thursday, April 30.

Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Quote from Texas Governor Abbott:

"That executive order has done it's job to slow the growth of COVID-19 and I will let it expire as scheduled," Abbott said. "Now, it's time to set a new course. A course that responsibly opens business in Texas. We will open in a way that uses safe standards."


Stay-at-Home Order will NOT be extended. Looks like Texas is getting ready to open for business. Maybe by the end of May ALL businesses will be open with precautions.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I like the plan.. but I have a feeling it will not go as planned.. the 25% will be 50% or more.. Walmart still looks like Christmas shopping Season everyday, so if the 25% becomes 50%, that is still far less than Walmart, so what does it matter?
I hope they don’t require 25% or 50% at strip clubs moving forward.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I hope they don’t require 25% or 50% at strip clubs moving forward. Originally Posted by FunMonday
I bet they will, initially.. either that, or the clubs don't open for another 6 months.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-27-2020, 06:40 PM

America needs to sack the fuck up.
playerplano's Avatar
Massage being open will make me very happy.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Get ready for Rush Hour Traffic to return. I didn't miss it at all.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Idiocy. Six weeks cases will be above current levels.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 04-27-2020, 07:12 PM
Idiocy. Six weeks cases will be above current levels. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Every projection has been proven bullshit.

I don't know why you continue to fear monger.

Just goes to show you can't show an old dog new tricks.
It's past time...as a trained Microbiologist the initial reaction to a novel virus was necessary, but the data do not support the continued restrictions. Without questions more people will die, but the point of the lockdown was not to stop deaths, but to pause to not overwhelm health sytems. Open. Now.
1. While state level decisions are a factor, county/ city and corporate decisions are likely to be more influential on behavior. Adjusting state level projections are not possible unless it's buit ground up at a city / zip level

2. We can expect more community spread in places where a. you have a higher mix of people that are more likely to have pandemic exhaustion (younger, more likely to dismiss the risk) b. local political support for distancing is weak and c. small share of corporate employees

3. I know its fashionable now for every schmo to have an opinion (usually backed up with some variant of my "insert family or acquaintance here" is a doctor, or I have a degree in "insert discipline" here) But if you don't professionally build statistical models, or have expertise in epidemiology, no matter how hard you frown when you search the internet for confirmation bias, you really don't know jack.

Much like an anticipating pecker, math and statistics can be hard. To say these projections are bullshit is so knee deep in ignorance of how models, estimates, significance, and probably work that it makes me go soft. Like visiting the red light district in the off season soft.

If your highest level of math was some algebra you learned while gently fisting that one girl your roomates "dated" in your dreamer phase in community college, or if the closest you've come to building a model was that sex doll home kit you hid from your mom when she would come do laundry at your apartment, or if you get your "analysis" from radio or tv personalities, then know that, with all the respect and love you deserve, you literally know less than nothing.

4. The number of wolves, flags, skulls, or rifles on your shirt, bumper stickers, or social media does not make the above incorrect.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
It's past time...as a trained Microbiologist the initial reaction to a novel virus was necessary, but the data do not support the continued restrictions. Without questions more people will die, but the point of the lockdown was not to stop deaths, but to pause to not overwhelm health sytems. Open. Now. Originally Posted by jthyme4fun

I’ve tried to explain that to many of my coworkers. Until there’s a vac. People will continue to get and spread covid. Understanding herd immunity seems to be hard for folks to get.

Idiocy. Six weeks cases will be above current levels. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I hope so - quicker route to herd immunity.

Keep the old folks safe and the rest of us are ready to get busy.

The case mortality rate for anyone under 50 and healthy is extremely fucking low. Might as well catch it and move on with living...
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Isn’t it a bullshit opening?
25% occupancy
Spas Gyms shit not still open till the 15th
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 04-29-2020, 12:31 AM
I agree with almost all said here. The only thing about you young gun, "I won't get that sick, community" is that I hope you don't take it home and give it to your grandparents. They are the ones that will suffer from your bravado. But - we're probably going to pick it up somewhere anyway. I know my kids ae paranoid about giving it to me. They don't want to be the reason I kick off.