Space Sex

smokeswithwolves's Avatar
I think I saw a thread about your "sexual bucket list" on a few forums. Well my No. 1 fantasy is in outer space.

That would be the ultimate outcall. Maybe it can happen if you have $20million and can convince the Russian space agency.
pyramider's Avatar
$20MM is a lot of sessions with earth bound ladies.
Wow! Emagine being up there for long periods of time and not getting any.

I heard about this Virgin Galactic space hotel a couple of years ago via a series about sex on the history channel. You should have seen the simulations they showed. It was awesome!!!!

Imagine being up there for long periods of time and not getting any.
Beam me up! I'll make somebody's day in space!!!!!!

The last part of the original article was hilarious. A diaper? Really?
smokeswithwolves's Avatar
Well the reality-based alternative are "vomit comets," those planes they fly into the atmosphere and send into an arc so you experience weightlessness.

For about $5000 you can do a 2hour flight that includes 15 rounds of "zero gravity," each one lasting around 30 seconds. Thirty seconds is doable

The last part of the original article was hilarious. A diaper? Really? Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Haha yea you didn't read about the crazy astronaut lady? She wore diapers so she could drive non-stop from Houston to Florida.
Reminds me of an episode of the Family Guy where Peter buys a used space shuttle:

Peter: I'm back from space everybody.

Lois: You got lucky Peter.

Chris: How was it dad?

Peter: Oh mind boggling Chris. Barreling around the Earth at five miles a second, watching the sunrise over the sea of Japan. It's indescribable. Plus I had plenty of time to rub one out, which in space is great, but after a while its like living in a snow globe.
Haha yea you didn't read about the crazy astronaut lady? She wore diapers so she could drive non-stop from Houston to Florida. Originally Posted by smokeswithwolves

I always try to understand where people are coming from. This, I can't, I just cant.

Anyway, has anyone tried the vomit commit? I would do an outcall to the moon! Yes, singular; I suppose i could retire afterwords right?!