WHY do guys write fake reviews???

  • M12
  • 10-27-2010, 09:12 AM
I usually only write a review that is positive. I read reviews to determine who to visit. In the past 6 months I have been burned by visiting a couple of ladies who were NOTHING like the reviews.

Look if my session does not go like other reviews I usually say "that's life" and move on. But recently reviews have been WAY off.

Example #1 - My preference is a petite lady - 5' 2 to 5 maybe 110 or so. I read reviews, look at pictures. I fully realize that 110 means 115 or 120. But when I see 110 and I show up and it is 150 plus. That's a real mood breaker.
For the ladies who are honest, I commend you for being honest. Not my type but other guys are ok.
Sometimes pictures are NO WHERE near the current lady. Usually I email and pm the lady later and say you need to update your pictures. If I see a lady post those pictures again - I contact her again and say please change your pictures or I will write a review.

Example #2 - Activities do not match the lady. Again I usually respond with she and I did not connect. However, it seems to be becoming a larger problem. I have pm with a couple of other guys and they agree.


If you have a good reason let's hear it or write it here. Don't give me that she and I conneceted and you didn't. That one is not working.

Some guys write reviews like this because they want to get in the good graces of a provider. Some are trying to help her get more business. Some do it because they get a discount if they do a good review. Some guys are competing to see who can do the best review, that is why you see the outlandish subject lines.

To be sure, there are plenty of guys who still do reviews with the intent of accuratelly informing other men. But the shills and hype masters are one of the reasons I don't have premium access. More accurate information can be found elsewhere.
It beats "I couldnt get it up and cried the whole time".
It would help if you named Lady A and lady B and correlate them to the reviews you were basing your information from.

Then the spot light will be on the reviewers and they will be left to defend their own reviews.
I feel your pain ... I have been in the same boat ... but IMHO you may be a part of the problem just as the reviewers you refer to are. I as a fellow hobbyist would have appreciated an honest review from you following the experiences you described. I understand your desire to only write positive reviews, but your inaction simply leads to more guys with experiences similar to yours.
Boltfan's Avatar
CPI is dead on here. If you don't spotlight the offenders nothing will ever change.
Actualy, he has a review on one of the providers he mentioned in the review section. I think hes asking here for more of a generic, why do this kind of stuff discussion without draging specific providers into it. Because as soon as you mention a name here, this will go off track so fast it will make your head spin. Keep the names in the reviews where they belong
  • M12
  • 10-27-2010, 09:59 AM
Bubba you are spot on. This is a general discussion. You are correct if I strat naming names then this turns into a name calling thread.

And I am naming names. From now on I will post good or bad.
CenterLock's Avatar
I personally refuse to write bad reviews.

I also refuse to write good reviews.

I choose instead to write accurate and truthful reviews from my perspective and let the reader choose. Both of my reviews here are yes recommendations but if you read the ROS you will see why as well as caveats to that recommendation - even for my ATF. Some deserve a yes. Others deserve a no. Be truthful - diplomatic if need be but truthful. - and let the chips fall where they may.
Gotta agree with CPI. Without names of escorts or reviewers, this thread is kinda pointless. There's not a much more banal observation than that we should all write accurate and honest reviews or that not everybody does.

Also, have to agree with ftworthmale. You saw providers who, in your opinion, posted totally inaccurate pics and had fake reviews, yet you did not post a review yourself. I don't have much sympathy for you complaining about fake reviews when you sit on your hands and don't write an honest and accurate one yourself.
I too go with CPI on this. Who cares if they get mad? It's been boring latley anyway. If my review influenced someone to see a lady, and it was wrong (like I missed her weight by 40 pounds, even 20 at the 110 range), I would expect to be called out for it. If you are sure about what you are saying, then you owe us the truth as fellow hobbiest. That is what we are here for, right?
AS for who "clicks" or not with someone, that's a differnt story. But even then, I wish we could share info (or the provider put it in her ad), that so and so despises facial hair, long finger nails, or whatever.
stevesanderson's Avatar
A better question would be: why do providers get a few reviews that are totally inconsistent with her other reviews?

That's an easy one that the WKs and BKs never consider. I have seen at least one girl that got some negative reviews that she became aware of. She tried to clean up her act and consequently I had a good time. Now her efforts may not last and a positive review of such a girl may look suspect. 20 good reviews is no guarantee of a good time...nor are 5 bad reviews a guarantee of a bad time.

Now let's take a girl that has 10 good reviews. Almost anything can go wrong that would explain a bad review. We've seen most of them come along here, from periods to family matters, to GPS, to her just not clicking with you.

A good, lengthy review will help the reader decide for himself why an out of character session happened.

But let me stay on topic and answer your question. I believe that when you use your handle you need to write a good review or you will be labeled as a negative reviewer. Just as we read the reviews on a lady, they read the reviews we have written. If you write a negative review, you may have trouble getting a session. One popular provider bumped me 20 minutes early from a session because her WK top-reviewer was next (she was dumb enough to tell me so). I wrote a bad review of her, but it was considered suspect because she was "marketed" by this guy and his friends.

This hobby is not called a game for no reason. The shill reviews will continue, but you can keep track and figure out which ones they are.
I personally refuse to write bad reviews.

I also refuse to write good reviews.

I choose instead to write accurate and truthful reviews from my perspective and let the reader choose. Both of my reviews here are yes recommendations but if you read the ROS you will see why as well as caveats to that recommendation - even for my ATF. Some deserve a yes. Others deserve a no. Be truthful - diplomatic if need be but truthful. - and let the chips fall where they may. Originally Posted by CenterLock

...and fortunately, with good research and sticking with respected ladies, I've been fortunate to have mostly positive experiences.
IT is SHIT like this that pisses me off. I mean, I for one, am one of those ladies who services have never changed, in fact have gotten better with age, and for the LOVE OF JESUS i can't get a review (not like i don't already have plenty but new ones are always nice). But then on the other hand you have these scandalous, cheap scum, fake ass, give the hobby a black eye, bitches out here that offer guys free sessions or what the f*ck ever they offer them, just to get a review.


This is just another monstrosity in the biz that makes me wonder where the hell the hobby world is really headed to. Sorry to vent and rant but its just my .02.