Suddenly the Deep State is to be trusted!

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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2020, 06:57 AM

Funny how that works... Originally Posted by WTF
Trump is draining the swamp.

Funny how that works...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Jaxson66's Avatar
Over the past 24 hours, however, incessant Fox griping over “deep state” suddenly went quiet, replaced by sober pleas that—when it comes to the info allegedly justifying Trump’s ordered airstrike killing Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani—the U.S. intelligence community’s findings should be heeded and taken seriously as unimpeachably correct information.

Immediately after the Pentagon confirmed U.S. responsibility for the strike, claiming it “was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans,” Fox News host Sean Hannity—perhaps the most well-known “deep state” critic in media—heaped praise upon the intelligence community.

Sean Hannity will have his followers salivating for war like he did with the Iraq invasion. Me, I got some Iraq deja vu coming on.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Susan Rice lied her ass off on Wretching Madcow's show on MSDNC.

MADCOW: "There's been a bunch of reporting, over years that the U.S. had previously assessed that it could be more dangerous to kill Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Force, than to allow him to live, even when U.S. forces did potentially have a shot at him," Maddow said. "I just wanted to ask – there's a lot of discussion about that reporting now that the airstrike has happened and that Soleimani is dead. What's your – what can you tell us, in this non-classified setting here, about that reporting, whether it's accurate and is there any reason we should think that that calculation somehow changed before this airstrike?"

RICE: "Well, to my knowledge, Rachel, and certainly while I was National Security Advisor, the Odumbo administration was not presented with an opportunity by our intelligence community or by the U.S. military to strike Qasem Soleimani."

Sentient and informed people call "BULLSHIT!" on Rice's lies.

Quid Pro Joe Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran

"Former vice president Quid Pro Joe reportedly played a decisive role in enabling recently assassinated Iranian terror leader Qassem Soleimani to push the United States out of Iraq and deliver the country into the hands of Iran.... According to Pro-America politician Allawi, who had won the largest number of seats in the Iraqi parliament, but could not assemble a majority coalition, as related to Dexter Filkins, 'Odumbo and Quid Pro Joe wanted to stay in Iraq, he said, but only if the effort involved was minimal. ‘I needed American support,' he said. ‘But they [Obama and Biden] wanted to leave, and Odumbo and Quid Pro Joe handed the country to the Iranians. Iraq is a failed state now, an Iranian colony.'"

(Free Beacon)

The shadowy Iranian spy chief who helped plan Benghazi

"Today [20 June 2014], the Odumbo Administration has allied itself with Suleimani…"


Report: Trump White House Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani

"Israel was 'on the verge' of assassinating Soleimani in 2015, near Damascus, but the Odumbo White House warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general."


Susan Rice lied her ass off … AGAIN!
HoeHummer's Avatar
You know the difference between the mob in Teheran and the ob in the USeh?

The language.

I suggest yous let that one marinate.
LexusLover's Avatar
Over the past 24 hours, however, incessant Fox griping over “deep state” suddenly went quiet,... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Perhaps it's not so "deep" any more and there is less to gripe about. Please don't confuse "deep state" with "dipshit"!

Now that the Loons have begun to realize that HillariousNoMore won't be providing them cover for committing Federal felonies they (the swamp rats) have "retired" from Federal "civil service" and searched for one of those better paying jobs that Trump was provided them with his economically sound growth decisions and they are anticipating the 2020 increase in jobs and pay when the latest round of agreements Trump has made kick in and they don't have to suck on the government tit anymore ... you have to do.

"The Deep State" was the title of a Hollywood movie wasn't it?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Perhaps it's not so "deep" any more and there is less to gripe about. Please don't confuse "deep state" with "dipshit"!

Now that the Loons have begun to realize that HillariousNoMore won't be providing them cover for committing Federal felonies they (the swamp rats) have "retired" from Federal "civil service" and searched for one of those better paying jobs that Trump was provided them with his economically sound growth decisions and they are anticipating the 2020 increase in jobs and pay when the latest round of agreements Trump has made kick in and they don't have to suck on the government tit anymore ... you have to do.

"The Deep State" was the title of a Hollywood movie wasn't it? Originally Posted by LexusLover

LexusLover's Avatar
NOTHING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You Tugging JackOff's balls these days?
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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2020, 11:03 AM
Trump is draining the swamp.

Funny how that works... Originally Posted by eccielover
So riddle me this....if you drain swamp water and replace it with water in the previously drained it not just more swamp water?

Because it sure seems the neocon swamp is showing its ugly head.
LexusLover's Avatar
So riddle me this....if you drain swamp water and replace it with water in the previously drained it not just more swamp water?

Because it sure seems the neocon swamp is showing its ugly head. Originally Posted by WTF
To you! But you don't know the difference between sewer water and distilled water, so it is a "riddle" to you. But I agree it's a challenge for you to do, because the sources you rely upon for your opinions have been converted into blubbering, bloviating, sniffling hysterical, nonsensical propagandists. They're wrong about 99.99% of the time.

The Dead Asshole is a "revered General"? Bury the MF and let the virgins have at him!

Yea, and Charlie Manson was a misunderstood, social worker!

What you don't get is the swamp rats are bailing out before they get indicted or fired or both. Like you they actually believed they were going to undermine Trump's ability to perform and he was either resign or get booted out, because he and his crew were so incompetent they wouldn't be able to find the bad seeds and disclose their lying bullshit .... you forget .... Trump was saying his Tower was tapped BEFORE the election in 2016 and kept saying he was being spied upon ... and the Swamp Rat advocates were saying it was proof he was delusional. The only one's delusional were the ones thinking they could get away with it .... they aren't. All this stupidity and distraction was brought upon themselves.

Just vote for Trump and pretend you were kidding all this time. Best approach.

BTW: Why did Obaminable kill OBL?
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  • WTF
  • 01-05-2020, 11:47 AM
Do you have a brain disorder?

You sound like at one time you knew a little something about the law and politics but that dementia has starting to ravage your brain.
winn dixie's Avatar
Do you have a brain disorder?

You sound like at one time you knew a little something about the law and politics but that dementia has starting to ravage your brain. Originally Posted by WTF
Gives yours balls a tugs and get the wad outta your panties
LexusLover's Avatar
Gives yours balls a tugs and get the wad outta your panties Originally Posted by winn dixie
Like all the antiTrump Loons on the internet when they don't have any substance to add to a conversation they start the personal attacks and attempts to marginalize others ... when they don't realize that it only shows their own insecurity and lack of cognitive processing....Little WTF has been doing that for years.

Apparently, he's still entertaining bimbos with his Eccie "prowess" on the keyboard. When that's the only way one can "entertain" I guess one must use what one has and try. They actually laugh at it behind his back.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Perhaps it's not so "deep" any more and there is less to gripe about. Please don't confuse "deep state" with "dipshit"!

Now that the Loons have begun to realize that HillariousNoMore won't be providing them cover for committing Federal felonies they (the swamp rats) have "retired" from Federal "civil service" and searched for one of those better paying jobs that Trump was provided them with his economically sound growth decisions and they are anticipating the 2020 increase in jobs and pay when the latest round of agreements Trump has made kick in and they don't have to suck on the government tit anymore ... you have to do.

"The Deep State" was the title of a Hollywood movie wasn't it? Originally Posted by LexusLover

You often make reference to my retirement fund as being on the gumbment tit. Here’s a brief history lesson...

Ronald Regan was running in 1980 and sought the IAFF support. After he won, Bills that were being stalled in Congress were pushed through by the Regan administration that helped establish pension plans for firefighters across the nation. I thanked him for doing so with my vote.

Deep state, there never was a deep state, it’s lies mixed with truths to con a particular population.