Socialism fails at the ballot box, so Biden uses CDC to eliminate property rights

  • oeb11
  • 08-04-2021, 10:19 AM

Democrats are losing the messaging war, according to Democrats

District Calls Anniversary Photo of High School Principal and His Wife…

President Joe Biden may not be a socialist, but his unprecedented weaponization of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to extend an eviction moratorium already deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, cannot be described as anything other than a socialist encroachment of private property rights and an affront to the rule of law.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Biden handily beat Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2020 presidential primary, precisely because he rejected socialism. Ever since, voters have continued to deal blows to socialism at the ballot box, including in this week's special election to replace now-HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge's congressional seat. Despite having the surrogacy and support of the entire Squad and twice the funds of her opponent, "democratic socialist" Nina Turner lost her bid to represent Ohio's 11th Congressional District to the (relatively) centrist Shontel Brown.

The media went out of their way to hype Turner up as the favorite, but she was always likely to lose. Just three of the 10 nonincumbent candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats, the Sanders-aligned PAC, won their races in 2020. Still, that's an improvement over the seven total candidates (the incumbents were the four who comprise the Squad) who won general elections out of the 79 candidates endorsed by Justice Democrats.
Biden's new eviction moratorium, the fruit of agitation by these socialists, is politically expedient for him at a time when surging inflation and stagnating labor force participation threaten his party's midterm elections odds. Knowing that Congress cannot pass the moratorium, Biden has simply chosen to defy the law, letting the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC trounce on the God-given property rights of over 10 million landlords.
As with most of the pandemic's norm-defying regulations, the eviction moratorium will only continue to exacerbate the divide between the haves and the have-nots. Blackrock won't go bankrupt from this, and if anything, they'll further their market consolidation after mom-and-pop landlords, who own nearly 23 million rental units in the country, go broke. Couple that market consolidation with units taken off the market by owners who are petrified by the prospect of the moratorium's precedent, and the basic act of renting an affordable apartment will become as elusive as the dream of achieving homeownership.
Our democratic process, however flawed, has successfully resisted the slow creep of socialism. But when the executive branch simply overrides the Supreme Court and obstructs landlords' constitutional right to private property, what then? That's not "democratic" socialism. That's just straight-up socialism.
Tags: Opinion, Beltway Confidential, Joe Biden, Coronavirus, CDC, Socialism, Evictions
Original Author: Tiana Lowe
Original Location: Socialism fails at the ballot box, so Biden uses CDC to eliminate property rights

fidenis a senile puppet for his marxist revolutionary handlers - they are running the show - headed by KumHoeLa - a radical marxist revolutionary.

This is creeping soylent green New deal in action - to institute soviet marxism on America.

from my cold dead hands - You marxist DPSTs will not take my arms, home, or assets !!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
10 step of genocide look it up ( oh its that history thing again )
HedonistForever's Avatar
And they had the nerve to try and define Trump as a dictator while Joe Biden proclaims that he knows he is contravening the law, ( much like Obama did on his "dreamers policy" and his "I can't just ignore the law" speech that he gave about 20 times at last count before writing the EO ) by admitting that the SC has already pointed out that any extension of the eviction moratorium must be passed by Congress and not the CDC and says "we'll do it until somebody stops us", completely ignoring his oath of office which was "treasonous" to Democrats when they say Trump did it.

Hypocrites every where you look.
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 10:45 AM
Amen - good sir.

The Constitution and rule of Law mean Nothing to sedtious communist DPST revolutionaries.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Right "how many time did they try to impeach Big T for his treasonous actions Hmm
Blithering Hypocrisy idiotism , but for the DPST/NWO goal
texassapper's Avatar
"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
He's admitted what he is doing is unconstitutional.

Imagine if Trump had said... well I'm just gonna violate my oath of office to enforce a knowingly illegal dictate?

Heads would EXPLODE all over the muthafcukin place... but when a Democrat does it?

Fcuking crickets.

That's why there will be a conflict coming and if I were a DemoCommie in a red state like Texas I'd get the Fcuk out while the gettin is good. Because you will be put against the wall. Same as the conservatives in blue states will.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And CNN and MSNBC, NYT's and WAPO, couldn't care less about this story because they agree that the ends justify the means when the end is their stated goal. The fact that we have entered an age where Biden and media can brazenly get away with this because as the Biden people are saying, at least in private is, "whose going to stop us, Merrick Garland at DOJ"? and then the snickers start.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The covids the big push for control before people understand its a flu ,,,,