New Survey Destroys the Left's Narrative About Voter ID

  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 07:00 AM

Democrats claim voter ID laws are discriminatory, racist, and a form of voter suppression, but those arguments don’t hold up when looking at a new Rasmussen survey on the topic.
According to the poll, which was published Wednesday, an overwhelming majority of voters—74 percent—support voter ID requirements. Importantly, minority voters, the ones Democrats claim are most affected by the laws, are strongly supportive.
Among the most interesting [results] is that 72% of black likely voters and 79% of those who are neither white nor black support photo voter IDs. Indeed, support among whites and blacks is virtually identical. Regarding the claim that voter IDs discriminate again, the poor and least educated show the highest levels of support: 79% of those who attended high school but didn’t graduate, and 78% of those earning less than $30,000 per year. Even a plurality of Democrats (61%), liberals (48%), those who strongly approve of Biden (54%), and those who think that it is “not at all important” support photo voter IDs (48%). The only groups that don’t support it are those who believe that preventing cheating in elections is “not very important” (23%) and those who are “unsure” of their level of education (28%).
By a wide margin, likely voters suspect the motives of those who oppose photo voter IDs, with 42% of likely voters saying that they “strongly agree” and another 18% “somewhat agree” that “opponents of requiring a photo ID to vote just want to make it easy to cheat in elections.” Only 19% strongly disagree or 10% somewhat disagree with the statement. Even voters in heavily Democratic groups are suspicious of the motives: a majority of blacks (63%), other race (61%), Democrats (50%), those earning less than $30,000 (50%), and those who attended high school but didn’t graduate (61%). (Crime Prevention Research Center)

Not for election integrity:
rexdutchman's Avatar
AND yet they want you to have Covid PASSPORTS Blithering HYPOCRISY
texassapper's Avatar
I will accept COVID passports when Democrats accept voter ID in all 50 states.
ICU 812's Avatar
^^^ This post is not meant to be contentious, but supportive snd supplemental:

Come this fall and next year, the liberals will want everyone to have a Vax Passport to go anywhere . Will we need a Vax Passport to get into a poling place to vote?

Won't a Vax ID be a government issued form of identification?

Won't that be a form of positive voter ID?
  • oeb11
  • 08-05-2021, 10:05 AM
ICU - You are correct - Agreed.

The answer - Resist - and Vote - and don't let the bastards steal another election.!
rexdutchman's Avatar
maybe I will get the vaccine when they stop illegals , and force id to vote go into store etc
ICU 812's Avatar
maybe I will get the vaccine when they stop illegals , and force id to vote go into store etc Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Plisse get the vaccine regardless!

By all men's consult your doctor first to be sure that there are no underlying health issues that contraindicate getting vaccinated . . .but if there are none, please do get the vaccine.

Unvaccinated people who get sick from this corona virus can get very sick. Many do not and we don't fully understand it all, that is true. But it can be a miserable death by slow suffocation on a ventilator.
texassapper's Avatar
Unvaccinated people who get sick from this corona virus can get very sick. Many do not and we don't fully understand it all, that is true. But it can be a miserable death by slow suffocation on a ventilator. Originally Posted by ICU 812

This doesn't seem so awesome either....

  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2021, 10:13 AM
Vasculitis causing extremity necrosis and eventual amputation - is very rare
More common with meningococcus than wuhan virus.
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2021, 10:17 AM
For posters above - requiring political action from teh DPST party as a condition to protect yourself -

is foolish thinking.

Suggestion - get an antibody test to see if you have natural immunity
If So - observe the medical landscape of wuhan virus and do nothing
If negative for antibodies - Please consult your physician - and consider protecting yourself.

Anyone who makes a personal medical decision based on requiring actions of teh politically marxist and People hating DPST party - is 100%guaranteed to have a fool as a patient.

BTW - thread is about voter ID- Thank you.
rexdutchman's Avatar
ICU 812 my doctor says no , so thank you but no ,
  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2021, 10:54 AM
RD - I am glad you mad a decision with your physician
I respect the freedom to do so
the marxist DPST party does not respect personal freedom at all
and is in the business of destroying our Constitution and Framework of equality for all under teh law.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ That right there my friend IS my issue with the guberment forcing vaccines And not being honest with risk Vs benefit and the DPST pushing the hype for control ( other then against International UN law and constitution see Nurmeberg code 47 )
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
This doesn't seem so awesome either....

Originally Posted by texassapper
as compared to this vaccine side effect?

which is worse? getting covid sick, or getting a vaccine side effect?
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2021, 08:28 AM
Every person and patient is different.

This patient report above , as reported by teh 'Mail" - a UK publication in the link above - is a very rare , but tragic complication.

Thread is Voter ID and DPST hypocrisy