Ohio County Stands Up to Biden's Attack on Private Property Rights

  • oeb11
  • 08-06-2021, 07:38 AM

Franklin County, Ohio, is taking a stand against President Biden’s recent directive for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue a 60-day eviction moratorium extension.
In a statement released on Thursday, Franklin County Municipal Court Administrative and Presiding Judge Ted Barrows said the county will not comply, citing an appeals court ruling last month.
On July 23, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati found the CDC didn’t have the authority to impose the nationwide moratorium.
Based on that ruling, the Franklin County court release said, courts in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan are no longer bound by the latest moratorium the CDC imposed on Tuesday.
Franklin County is not alone on this issue. Wednesday, Toledo Housing Court Judge Joseph Howe told the Toledo Blade that his court would abide by the appeals court decision and not honor the moratorium, either.
On Thursday, the Hamilton County Municipal Court followed suit, with judges voting to not comply with the moratorium. (The Columbus Dispatch)
Judge Barrows made clear to the Columbus Dispatch, however, that tenants still have the same rights they did before the pandemic. Not only is there a process that must be followed, there is also pandemic aid still available for individuals struggling to pay rent.
In an interview with The Dispatch, Barrows downplayed the effect of ignoring the moratorium. He said landlords whose tenants had filed for a stay of eviction proceedings under the moratorium cannot immediately evict those tenants.
Instead, landlords will have to file a motion to lift the stay and state what further proceedings they feel are appropriate. [...]
Barrows said a large amount of relief funds remain available to tenants at risk of eviction, and the court would continue to work with tenants and various agencies to try to keep them in their residences. (The Columbus Dispatch)
Barrows went on to dismiss the media hype over the issue as "apocryphal."

Impeachable: Biden Admits He's Buying Time With Latest Attack on Private Property Rights Katie Pavlich

"People talk about millions of people being set out and homeless and flooding shelters," Barrows told the Dispatch. "That's apocryphal. You're hearing that from advocates who have a certain point of view. It's hard to characterize this (decision) as a disaster."

fiden is - with the assent of the LSM and his sheeple dwindling fan base - making a clearly Un-constitutional power/private property grab - and has the gall to admit publicaly it is un-Constitutional.

sheeples - you elected this marxist puppet - and if you think they will give You a break from their grab to convert all private property in America to government ownership - YOU Are Mistaken!

Time to take the Truckloads of illegal Immigrants - diseased, gangs, traffickers - and dump them at the private Fiden, Bernie, nazi Pelosi, AOC, Squad, Schumer - and the rest of he despicable criminal DPST warlords - and let them see what it means to have their personal property seized by 'The Government!
fuck them!
from my cold, dead hands.

Impeach fiden, harris, pelosi, Schumer - send them all to Prison where they belong as the criminals they'ARE!
winn dixie's Avatar
The socialist way is govt owning everything. No private property except for the elites.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Stage #8
pfunkdenver's Avatar
The socialist way is govt owning everything. No private property except for the elites. Originally Posted by winn dixie
You are incorrect! The socialist way is: the government (the people) owns everything. No one else (even the elites) owns anything.

Look up the definition, please!

It doesn't exist here in the U.S.A.
You are incorrect! The socialist way is: the government (the people) owns everything. No one else (even the elites) owns anything.

Look up the definition, please!

It doesn't exist here in the U.S.A. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Per your request...


Socialism | Definition of Socialism by Merriam-Webster
Definition of socialism 1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods 2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.

It sound a lot like creepy joe put the camel's nose under the tent to me...WHATCHA THINK DENVER??


The topic of the post was private property owner's rights and socialist creepy joe's UNCONSTITUTUALY stomping on them...you didn't tell us your take on private property owner's rights and the UNCONSTITUTIONAL move of socialist creepy joe...HE SAID AS MUCH!!

Socialist are the worst thing that could happen to this country the greatest country on earth that people are illegally coming to in numbers never heard of before because of the fucked up policy of creepy joe and his socialist cohorts.

I guess that's crickets from you because that's another one of those REALLY inconvenient truths that you can't defend...the mantra of the left...were going to screw you and make you love it
  • oeb11
  • 08-07-2021, 08:40 AM
bb - Thank You - unfortunately - One cannot stifle the howling screeching of teh indoctrinated DPST minions.

truth and Facts man nothing to them - they revel in the narrative Lies.

So sad to see the lives destroyed by the hatred, divisiveness, and race-baiting of their nomenklatura.

From my cold, dead hands!
LexusLover's Avatar
Like most things lately, including the Covid Threat, are being redefined by the CommunistSocialistNaziDemonCra ts who are not only trying to rewrite U.S. history, but also REWRITE the ENGLISH LANGUAGE to adapt to their bullshit narrative.

The CommkunistSocialistNaziDemonCr ats are the 21st Century KKK.
Like most things lately, including the Covid Threat, are being redefined by the CommunistSocialistNaziDemonCra ts who are not only trying to rewrite U.S. history, but also REWRITE the ENGLISH LANGUAGE to adapt to their bullshit narrative.

The CommkunistSocialistNaziDemonCr ats are the 21st Century KKK. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're right about that. Instead of wearing white robes with hoods they wear suits.
Impeach Joe.
LexusLover's Avatar
Impeach Joe. Originally Posted by gnadfly
"They" have a problem. Implied in the legally assigned grounds is the requirement of "knowingly" and "intentionally" aka "high crimes and misdemeanors" so the offensive activities to justify the conviction must be based on the mental capacity to do them.

The 25th amendment, Section 4, seems the better resolution. The issue with those provisions is that the VP naturally assumes the position of the President until such time as the POTUS is determined to be fit to re-assume the functions ... which is a short interpretation of the process.

PissLousy would not tolerate Kumola taking "Pissy's Place"!

If one perceives "in-fighting" in the DumboCratic Party NOW! ...

... WAIT UNTIL PISSLOUSY tries to oust the "First Black Female VP" ... !
LexusLover's Avatar
You're right about that. Instead of wearing white robes with hoods they wear suits. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Some wear Black robes and handle a gavel.
Some wear Black robes and handle a gavel. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, that's the other side of the same coin.
rexdutchman's Avatar
He should be impeached ,,, If big T actually did half when just damn
Where are the "fact checkers LOL