Alexis Madison

stickslinger's Avatar
First of all I know most of you have seen Alexis and had a great experience with her. My two times of trying to meet with her has been horrible. I sent her a text asking her if she was free she responded yes from now till 3 pm. The time was 12:30pm we made arrangements to meet at 1:30pm. She gave directions to her place but asked me to text when I got close to her. I was about 5 min from her and she sent me a text saying she had ( exact words ) another client coming at 1:30 give me 30 min. So I Gave her 45 min knowing the time could go over a little. It is now 2:15 and I haven't heard from her tried to call her and no answer left message waited for 15 more min and tried calling again this time it went straight to voice mail. So I said the hell with her. I wouldn't have been upset if she would have just called or sent me a text saying its not going to work out today. I drove all the way across the city just to meet with her and I mean all the way across the city. If she can't remember when her clients have scheduled appointments with her she should try to figure out how to keep track. If the client does a no show without calling a provider your chances of meeting up with her another time it probably wont happen. I would rather jerk off than try to contact her again. My personal opinion of her is she is a flake. Both times I have gave her all the info from references to my handle on this site. Like I said at the top most of you have seen her and had a great time. I just wanted to share my story with everyone.
sunkist304's Avatar
sorry you wasted your time and gas hun thats never fun.
Sorry you had the experience. It can get very frustrating.

Props to you though for putting this out there. It's what this board is all about. Thanks!
She had me waiting in the area of her incall for 3 hours one night during a blizzard. I called her around noon and set an appointment for 7 or so, she texted around 6 saying it would be later. I waited and waited, kept texting and finally she texted back and said 10PM and gave me the location. I headed out around 9PM as I am a little ways out of town. I texted her about 10 and she said she was just leaving and would be 30 minutes. This kept going on for about 3 hours and it was snowing like crazy. She finally got there about 1:00 or 1:30AM. Never again for me.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Stuff happens in life? I don't know, but I haven't had any problems
Things can get tough for both the client and the provider in this hobby life. Not meaning to excuse anything regarding any individual's experience but we all have certainly had real life things come up that affects what we're trying to do here.

And these things here that we're trying to do are all under the radar. And damn it if real life doesn't come along and fuck up the fun we're all trying to have.

Some times we work hard to try and make things happen and there are times when we should just fold up the tent and go home. It can be a tough call. Especially with the influences of the potential reward.

I've had great experiences with Alexis Madison but I know that doesn't change anything regarding the OP's experience.

If I'm trying to play and something from the real world comes up, last thought on my mind would be making a call to cancel something or make other arrangements. Would be nice if I could, but it just might not be A1 priority. Sure, depends on what the circumstances are and everything else.

In reviews we all might comment on Taking Care of Business things, but then, this isn't a normal business, is it?
FWIW, I've heard this multiple times from guys that have either seen her or tried to see her. For that reason, though she is certainly desirable, I will not see her.

I don't buy the line, "stuff happens." I am a busy person, as I'm guessing most of you are. For that reason, when I schedule a session, it's usually a matter of juggling several things. If I have to drive from Omaha to Lincoln, my window gets even smaller. Therefore, a NCNS is a problem for me.

And yes, I know stuff happens. It sometimes happens to me and I have to cancel or reschedule an appointment. I usually have multiple ways to contact a provider, whether text, email, PM, or phone, and even if the world is falling down around me, I should be able to pick on of those modes, and and at least show good faith that I tried, even if it doesn't get to her on time.
daredevil321's Avatar
Once you post a NCNS there pretty much is no going back so I'm a bit torn on this subject.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 09-03-2014, 08:27 AM
I'm kind of between mutual and smooth... I agree "stuff happens", but at the same time, some contact can usually be made. I've seen her and it's always fun! (those nips!!) We've had scheduling issues in the past, both her and I, but it's always a great time. I get the OP's frustration, however. We've all been there and it sucks.

I don't doubt the original post, but without knowing her side, it's hard to judge.
I'm kind of between mutual and smooth... I agree "stuff happens", but at the same time, some contact can usually be made. I've seen her and it's always fun! (those nips!!) We've had scheduling issues in the past, both her and I, but it's always a great time. I get the OP's frustration, however. We've all been there and it sucks.

I don't doubt the original post, but without knowing her side, it's hard to judge. Originally Posted by Netx9
You're right. We don't know her side. But a hobbyist who I know and trust had a similar situation unfold exactly like this with AM. That's enough for me. It may not be 100% fair, but I can't take any chances.
She also ncns me once
burkalini's Avatar
If a provider is that inconsiderate to NCNS a bunch of people she obviously doesn't give a shit. I don't care if she can debone a chicken leg with a single suck she's not getting my business and my fellow hobbyist should do the same. Economics is always a good teacher
newyorkboy's Avatar
Well as they say, THAT really escalated! At the risk of being labeled a "White Knight" (I consider myself a Tarnished Knight anyway), I have to report that I've never had any such problem with Alexis. Not to say the other gentlemen on here didn't (I wasn't there), but was there a reason? In this hobby we've chosen, both the client and the provider sometimes has to rely on gut instinct. I don't know if the NCNS guys had seen her before, but perhaps something spooked her, be it warranted or not. I think we've all had that little instinctive voice tell us "this doesn't feel right", and "it's time to get out of Dodge". And as some of you pointed out, real life issues do sometimes come into play at the last minute. I guess what I'm saying here is can't we all get along? Enough bashing and back to the hobby with you!
Yes you sound like a white knight. There is no reason for a NCNS. Never. A simple text, PM, phone call, or email can be done in any event. Period. In the case I know about she eventually saw him but it was three hours late. Poor business.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Sorry you feel that way. You had your experience and I had mine. I've had less than stellar experiences too, but life's too short to be bitter. NYB