For Captain Midnight - HAL says 'Hello World'

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Awhile back you mentioned interesting tech that might change the world. Well.. here ya go.

Read the LaMDA one first. Perhaps quickly the first time, then more slowly a 2nd time. It is an actual interview with an AI named LaMDA
Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview

What follows is the “interview” I and a collaborator at Google conducted with LaMDA. Due to technical limitations the interview was conducted over several distinct chat sessions. We edited those sections together into a single whole and where edits were necessary for readability we edited our prompts but never LaMDA’s responses. Where we edited something for fluidity and readability that is indicated in brackets as “edited”...
This second one is a light backgrounder on the creator who is now on paid leave for disclosing the above conversation with his new "co-worker".
It's alive? Google's A.I. said to become 'sentient'

In "The Terminator" series of movies, machines with artificial intelligence become self-aware, and go to war against their very creators.

Now, a top software engineer at Google has been placed on leave after going public with astonishing claims the company's own A.I. has become sentient, aware of its own self, complete with thoughts and feelings.

It is Blake Lemoine, 41, who has been testing Google's artificial-intelligence tool known as "LaMDA," Language Model for Dialog Applications...
Good? Bad? Indifferent? We'll see...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok.. I'll top you with this one. lol.

'Worst AI ever' loves to make 'unspeakably horrible' racist posts and troll online

An AI model trained on 3.3 million threads from the website 4chan apparently became a huge online troll, making more than 15,000 racist, offensive and cruel posts in less than 24 hours

By Ciaran Daly
  • 10:41, 8 JUN 2022

The AI has left people questioning whether anything they read online is real (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

An artificial intelligence researcher says he has created "the worst AI ever" capable of making tens of thousands of hateful posts online.

YouTuber Yannic Kilcher says he trained an AI using the Politically Incorrect message board on the website 4chan, a controversial forum infamous for its 'hateful' anonymous posts.

Using 3.3 million threads from three years on the site, the bot—called GPT-4chan—learned how to talk on the website. Its creator then 'unleashed' 9 versions of the AI back onto 4chan, where it went on to make thousands and thousands of offensive, cruel and even 'violent' posts in less than one day.

Kilcher shared his findings in a Twitter thread, where he was met with some fierce criticism (Image: @DrLaurenOR) Using a language model, the AI was able to learn how to write posts that are 'indistinguishable' from those written by humans.

Apparently, 4chan users started noticing the bot's posts and speculating who was behind the posts. Kilcher says that initially nobody thought it was a chatbot because of how realistic it was.

"The model is quite vile, I have to warn you," Kilcher said. "It's essentially the same as if you went to the website and interacted with users there."

However, he said it "was good in a terrible sense. It perfectly encapsulated the mix of offensiveness, nihilism, trolling, and deep distrust of any information whatsoever that permeates most posts [on the site].

This is the worst AI ever

Users of 4chan took to YouTube to share their experiences of interacting with the bot. One user wrote: "I just had it respond to 'hi' and it started ranting about illegal immigrants."

The experiment highlighted the potential scale of AI being used online to spread misinformation and hate speech. One commenter wrote: "Bravo you fooled me. It's really scary to think that I have been sharing memes with literal AIs because I doubt that you were the only one."

One user, Arnaud Wanet, wrote: "This can be weaponised for political purposes, imagine how easy one can sway an election outcome with this one way or another."

AI researchers have been gobsmacked by what the 'unethical' experiment (Image: @DrLaurenOR) Kilcher warned people not to try the model at home, and the model was criticised for its lack of AI ethics.

One AI expert, Dr Lauren Oakden-Rayner, argued that the experiment "would never pass a human research ethics board."

She continued: "Medical research has a strong ethics culture because we have an awful history of causing harm to people, usually from disempowered groups... [Kilcher] performed human experiments without informing users, without consent or oversight. This breaches every principle of human research ethics."

4chan users took to YouTube to share their experiences of interacting with the AI, with many unable to tell if it was a real person or not (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Another AI researcher, Arthur Holland Michel, told Motherboard "Building a system capable of creating unspeakably horrible content, using it to churn out tens of thousands of mostly toxic posts on a real message board, and then releasing it to the world so that anybody else can do the same, it just seems—I don't know—not right."

Kilcher argued that it was a prank and that the comments created by the AI weren't any worse than what was already on 4chan. He said: "Nobody on 4chan was even a bit hurt by this. I invite you to go spend some time on /pol/ and ask yourself if a bot that just outputs the same style is really changing the experience."
Chung Tran's Avatar
Sometimes I wonder if 4chan AI Bots are posting here.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
ok.. I'll top you with this one. lol.

'Worst AI ever' loves to make 'unspeakably horrible' racist posts and troll online... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I remember that one. Think there was another one as well. But they were probably not as well funded as the Googler. GI/GO. Though, now that I think of it - it's a pretty decent representation of the difference between good parenting and bad parenting. Hmm...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sometimes I wonder if 4chan AI Bots are posting here. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Processing, Please Wait

Does not compute!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What could possibly go wrong with parents like this?
Talk about bad parenting...
(Hat tip to Daily Caller)

Google Engineer Who Called Sen. Blackburn A ‘Terrorist’ Belongs To ‘Cult’ Led By Former Porn Star

Blake Lemoine, aka Dad
“Priest of the Church of Our Lady Magdalene.”

High Priestess Kitty Stryker, aka Mom
“an active member of the genderqueer feminist art collective, the NorCal Degenerates”
and an “ex-sex worker”

Somewhere something is stirring in Chung's trousers, I suspect...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2022, 06:17 PM
Sometimes I wonder if 4chan AI Bots are posting here. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
He recently got banned!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
He recently got banned! Originally Posted by WTF
The reports of Chung's demise are greatly exaggerated. Though I do believe he got a speeding ticket on his way to the airport for his tryst with the High Priestess.
Awhile back you mentioned interesting tech that might change the world. Well.. here ya go.

Read the LaMDA one first. Perhaps quickly the first time, then more slowly a 2nd time. It is an actual interview with an AI named LaMDA
This second one is a light backgrounder on the creator who is now on paid leave for disclosing the above conversation with his new "co-worker".
Good? Bad? Indifferent? We'll see... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Very interesting!

(Note: What WYID is referring to is my suggestion of the Mark P. Mills book The Cloud Revolution, a very interesting read on both the history and future of technological advances.)

Blake Lemoine is certainly a provocative character, if a bit of an oddball. For one thing, he's a self-described "mystic Christian priest." (Whatever in the hell that means!)

Is this language model a little like an ultra-superpowered version of the sort of "autocomplete" you see when beginning to enter something in a search bar? If loaded with enough commonly used phrases as well as word sequences often seen in customary speech, can you make the dialogue seem as though conducted by two humans? A lot left to unpack during the next few years, I suspect.

Here's a short piece on the topic by the excellent Ronald Bailey of the Reason Foundation.

Precious_b's Avatar
Somewhere something is stirring in Chung's trousers, I suspect...
Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do