Washington Examiner Liberal Media Scream: Seth Meyers rants against rural whites, Constitution

  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2021, 02:37 PM

This week’s Liberal Media Scream steps outside the usual lane of angry news media figures to NBC’s “Late Night” show hosted by Seth Meyers and his 15-minute rant for H.R. 1, the “For the People Act” election law, and against the filibuster.
© Chris Pizzello/Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP Seth Meyers used his show last week to rip Republicans over the filibuster and election reform. His was a sweeping condemnation of Republicans, rural Americans, whites and the Founding Fathers.

He opened Thursday by charging that the electoral system is “heavily tilted toward a minority of voters that are predominately white and rural, thanks in large part to anti-majoritarian institutions like the Electoral College and the Senate.” He cited new Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock’s “impassioned speech in favor of sweeping voting reforms” and accused Republicans of pushing Jim Crow-style election changes.
“Republicans tried to steal the last election through the courts. That didn’t work, so now they’re trying to steal the next election through voter suppression. Nuking or changing the filibuster to stop them is a moral necessity,” he urged in his “Closer Look” segment:
Some of the lowlights:
“Our democracy as currently constituted, is simply, not a level playing field. In fact, it’s arguably never been a level playing field, it’s heavily tilted toward a minority of voters that are predominately white and rural, thanks in large part to anti-majoritarian institutions like the Electoral College and the Senate. Just consider that right now the Senate is evenly split 50-50 and yet the 50 Senate Democrats represent nearly 42 million more Americans than the 50 Senate Republicans. For example, Wyoming with a population of about 580,000 people, has two senators. And New York also has two senators, even though there are 580,000 people just on my co-op board...
“I mean, just consider the scope of how heavily tilted our democratic institutions are toward Republicans. They’ve only won the popular vote once in the last 32 years, yet, they’ve appointed a majority of Supreme Court justices, they’ve lost the popular vote by nearly three million. In 2016, lost the House by the largest margin since Watergate in 2018, lost two Senate seats in historically red Georgia this year, and yet, Mitch McConnell still basically gets a veto over what the Senate can or cannot pass. The only way the Senate can get anything done right now is through a process called budget reconciliation, which has more rules than a Manhattan parking sign....
“Warnock delivered an impassioned speech in favor of sweeping voting reforms, and he noted that the GOP assault on voting rights is the most ferocious attack on democracy since the era of Jim Crow.”
[Senator Raphael Warnock: “We are witnessing right now a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights, unlike anything we’ve ever seen since the Jim Crow era. This is Jim Crow in new clothes.”]
“He’s right. And the clothes aren’t even good. I mean, look at this [picture of Trump], it looks like he was thrown naked in the dumpster behind a Palm Beach pro-shop, and given five minutes to pick an outfit. It’s a good Halloween costume if you want to go as a lost grandpa at Disney World. Warnock was on the floor specifically to call for Senate passage of H.R. 1, a sweeping package of urgent voting reforms passed by the House that are desperately needed to level what is currently a very lopsided playing field. H.R. 1 would combat virtually every GOP voter suppression tactic by, among other things, mandating nationwide early voting and no-excuse mail voting, instituting automatic and same-day voter registration, implementing public financing of elections, and banning congressional gerrymandering, among other things. It’s also incredibly popular in polls, even among the majority of Republican voters. So, naturally, Republican politicians are losing their minds over it....
“Republicans tried to steal the last election through the courts. That didn’t work, so now they’re trying to steal the next election through voter suppression. Nuking or changing the filibuster to stop them is a moral necessity. We badly need sweeping reforms to make our democracy a level playing field.”
Media Research Center Vice President Brent Baker explains our weekly pick: “Meyers’ argument should be with the founders, not present-day Republicans. He’s upset that our constitutional system, with two senators from every state, is inhibiting the enactment of left wing policies, as if the Senate make-up is something new. He’s upset by Wyoming, but ignores how the next least-populous state, Vermont, has a socialist and a left-wing Democrat for senators. H.R. 1 should be known as the ‘Enable Illegal Voting Act,’ as it’s a grab-bag of left-wing policies aimed at making it easy for Democrats to get votes from those not qualified to vote. The fact Meyers is so excited about it demonstrates he’s a left-wing Democratic activist first, a comedian a distant second.”
Rating: FOUR out of FIVE screams.
Tags: Washington Secrets, Biden Administration, Voting, Voting rights, Voter Fraud, Election Fraud, Georgia, Raphael Warnock
Original Author: Paul Bedard

typical elitist, arrogant, self- important know-it-all DPST 'actor".
as if being an 'actor' bestows some magical credibility on the idiots.

none of those idiots have ever read teh Comstitution - or care.
it is just the mob DPST kalifornia mentality - and the marxism/racism that underlies it - that matters to them.

The hatred for Middle america and American values of hard work, self-worth, and earning One's way - rather than sucking on teh DPST Teat - is clear.

such a shame for America that such idiots matter to the DPST/ccp sheeples!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-22-2021, 02:47 PM
Seth Myers is a comedian!
winn dixie's Avatar
Its coming!

The official vote to make it illegal to be white!
  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2021, 02:51 PM
'w' - you do love your big Brother, arrogant actors, and Lying nomenklatura that serve Comrade Xi.

Libertarian - hardly - a loyal acolyte of the DPSR/ccp.
Yay, Dekulakization, how fun!

The last Holodomor killed 10 million people. Does Seth feel like going for a high score?
oeb11 - could you do a little editorial cleanup on you posts? Thanks.
rexdutchman's Avatar
( typical elitist, arrogant, self- important know-it-all DPST 'actor) sadly idiots listen to them
  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 08:29 AM
oeb11 - could you do a little editorial cleanup on you posts? Thanks. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Valid point - G!
Thank you!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Its coming!

The official vote to make it illegal to be white! Originally Posted by winn dixie

While they can't make it illegal to be White, although they are damn well going to try, they think they can simply bully enough people to reject any White applicant for a job as a means to making "Whiteness" illegal. Take Cigna for example.


Employees at one of the nation's largest health insurance providers are routinely subjected to far-left critical race theory lessons and asked not to consider white men in hiring decisions, according to leaked documents and chat logs obtained by the Washington Examiner.
Those who work at Cigna told the Washington Examiner that they are expected to undergo sensitivity training they consider racist and discriminatory. Lessons include reviews of concepts such as " white privilege," "gender privilege," and something called "religious privilege," which is described as "a set of advantages that benefits believers of a certain religion but not people who practice other religions or no religions at all."
And so it begins. Where this will all end is anybodies guess but I'm betting it doesn't end well.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-23-2021, 01:04 PM
( )) sadly idiots listen to them Originally Posted by rexdutchman

He is the one who posted this nonsense!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-23-2021, 01:05 PM
How many black late night talk show hosts are there?
  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 01:36 PM
"W; - is that not just wonderful how CIGNA is combating White superiority and white terrorism against the OBLM and AntiFa and rest of teh world???
W - stand in line to donate to AOC and her Concentration camps for Conservatives / Caucasians!
Next - get in AOC's boxcars to become Soylent Green new Deal Biscuits.