Qaddafi apparently sodomized after capture.

TheDaliLama's Avatar

A frame by frame analysis of this exclusive GlobalPost video clearly shows the rebel trying to insert some kind of stick or knife into Gaddafi's rear end.

We call it taxing the rich over here.

Btw...I played that game on WTF. Not only did he know it was a golf club...he even knew it was a 6 iron.
Is a new mouse pad on order? Christmas is around the corner, ya know.
aint karma a bitch.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
aint karma a bitch. Originally Posted by treeman
+1 you live by the sword you die by the sword!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That people could look at that video and not be outraged is beyond me. It is barbaric. But those are the people we are supporting. I've heard reports that they are doing the same thing to thousands of Gadaffi loyalists. It is sad that people in this country could approve of such behavior. Probably many of the same people who lambasted waterboarding.

Judge, jury, executioner. Nice job. I fear for Libya. I fear for the USA.

Sharia law, anyone?
wellendowed1911's Avatar
That people could look at that video and not be outraged is beyond me. It is barbaric. But those are the people we are supporting. I've heard reports that they are doing the same thing to thousands of Gadaffi loyalists. It is sad that people in this country could approve of such behavior. Probably many of the same people who lambasted waterboarding.

Judge, jury, executioner. Nice job. I fear for Libya. I fear for the USA.

Sharia law, anyone? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Let me repeat one more time- you live by the sword you die by the sword- so Gaddafi a man who is killed tortured and imprisoned thousands for 40 plus years was he supposed to get some royalty treatment. did you expect the rebels to say:" Hey Gaddafi are you ok- would you like some tea and a nice meal?" COG you are a very soft individual.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
An eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind. - Mahatma Gandhi. We should all be so soft.

It is easy to be brutal. But to stand up for what's right is not soft at all.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It doesn't take any courage or bravery to sodomize and murder a helpless old man, one who was suspected of crimes for which he was never tried. Cowards behave that way. The fact is that we only know about Gaddafi what the government wants us to know about Gaddafi. The fact that he had a plan to make Africa a world economic powerhouse had nothing to do with it. We will support Al Qaeda if they promise to not upset the oil companies. Murderous, cowardly assassins. They should be brought to trial.

TexTushHog's Avatar
For once, COG and I agree on something. What is being done is predictable, but that doesn't make it right. I wish we had done more to see that this didn't happen. I think that because these are the folks that we are supporting, their actions, for good of for ill, reflect on us. And of course our actions in not trying to take Osama bin Laden alive certainly don't help. Shameful.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, it was quite vicious and brutal the way he was treated and it is easy to be sanctimonious when we are so far removed from the atrocities that Qaddafi perpetrated on his own people for so many decades here in our safe living rooms.

You would expect that the relatives of those butchered by his regimen would be disposed to exact vengeance in the most primitive way they can now that they finally have the upper hand.

You must remember that these deposed dictators are not normal people. Normal ways of dealing with them do not work. They do not hear the little people because they are anointed by God. They still believe in the Divine right of Kings.

They have gotten away with unspeakable horrors for decades only because no one was able to stop them.

Now the people who have suffered so much and for so long have finally reached a breaking point and delivered their vengeance for the world and for the other dictators to see what fate awaits them who dare to mistreat their own people so badly.

. . . Judgment Day has come to the oppressed people!

London Rayne's Avatar
Ouch! Poor dude.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
quite a difference in terms of treatment between Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What atrocities did Qadafi perpetrate on his own people? $0.14 per gallon gas? $50k to married couples to get a house? A literacy rate of 83%? Did he have a rape room like Saddam? Did he gas his people from a different sect, like Saddam? Was it taking a stone age Italian protectorate under Mussolini to independence and the 21st Century?

What did he do for his own people except continually stand up for them in the world arena? He's not my kind of guy, but he is no Saddam, and Saddam got a trial. A kangaroo court, for sure, but he got a trial.
I don't know if it was a kangaroo court or not but they had to expedite the Saddam trial before more witnesses, the judges and other courtroom personnel and their families were executed by the Sunnis.

Throwing a grenade into the spider hole would have saved the most lives but Bush would have been more persecuted in the press for fighting a "Politically Incorrect" war. BHO with the kid glove treatment from the press has this luxury.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What atrocities did Qadafi perpetrate on his own people? $0.14 per gallon gas? $50k to married couples to get a house? A literacy rate of 83%? Did he have a rape room like Saddam? Did he gas his people from a different sect, like Saddam? Was it taking a stone age Italian protectorate under Mussolini to independence and the 21st Century?

What did he do for his own people except continually stand up for them in the world arena? He's not my kind of guy, but he is no Saddam, and Saddam got a trial. A kangaroo court, for sure, but he got a trial. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Qaddafi may have brought some good stuff for his people, but it came with a price tag.

from what I gather, Qaddafi's opponents and critics (anyone who spoke against the regime) were often jailed, beaten, and killed. I think they found mass graves of these victims who have disappeared.

This may have been the work of his loyalist and possibly his sons whos doing this under his name.

I'm reading that the revolutionaries are doing the something similar towards Qaddafi loyalists, mass execution in a number of areas.

there is a new theory that it was one of his loyalist who killed Qaddafi. thats a possibility. there is a claim by one of his bodyguard who claimed to have killed him to spare him the humiliation of a court trial. Smells like cover up to save their hides.