Best DFW club for just watching the talent (seriously)

smileyTXguy's Avatar
As a married guy, I never get the chance to hit the local clubs on weekends (or ever, really), but this weekend my SO is out of town, so now I have the chance.

I'm not interested in extras, so if I were to pick one club (understanding many may be empty due to the beer virus) to go to where I might have the best chances of maximum eye candy enjoyment, which club would it be? Dallas side of DFW or Fort Worth side of DFW?
billw1032's Avatar
Assuming the girls are still showing up during the virus scare, your best shot for eye candy is probably BDD. Almost always, BDD has the most girls. Maybe Buck's, but I'm not that familiar with them. Or, if you want a good meal and just want to watch, you might try the Lodge. Don't plan on playing at the Lodge, though, unless you have a lot of bucks to spend.
Baby Dolls Dallas always seems to have the most girls.
How was it? Where did you end up?

If you want to be left alone and watch talent, The Mens Club is probably the best for consistency in terms of hotness. Lodge is only any good if you come knowing someone of interest is there. BDD you will never be left alone but if you are willing to move around a bit you can make sure your view is full of the hotter girls. Bucks is also good if you want to be left alone.. but it's a bit more low rent.
TomCollins's Avatar
The talent level at the Lodge is so much better than BDD. Especially late at night, after 9-10.
Oddly though, Friday is much better than Saturday.
silly cowboy's Avatar
I like The Lodge for talent, unless your girl really likes seeing pussies and assholes. If so, Buck's Wild Dallas. Depends on your girl.