FW weirdo

All alone, (at a hotel) dressed in a porno-esque outfit
i open the door to let Johnny in.

He looks at me &says "oh crap, i forgot my wallet in my truck", so i open the door &let him out.. Well he's not coming back.

2 minutes later I hear a knock, &open the door to let Johnny in again.
"can i use your bathroom?" of course, johnny &i sit on the(double room) bed closest to the door -at this point i'm feeling a little uneasy, since he wasnt saying very much&actually came back from "getting his wallet"- to wait for johnny to come out.
a second later he comes out, and i stand up to walk to the other bed &tell him to come in, get comfortable.. I turn around from walking to the bed &see him running to the door.. literally running. As my door is still closing (he didnt even open it very far) my room phone is ringing. It freaked me out. I didnt answer it, so I'll never know who it was.. maybe it was him, i dont know.

5 mins later he texts me &says he "felt uncomfortable &sorry" ..

I told him he had no chance in the future with me because I can deal without the drama&that was the end of it.

until just a minute ago when he texted to say he "should have had sex with me".. I'm not sure what to think of him but he's on my dns list already. his number - 8!L5o!oL34
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
twice in a row. i wonder if the guys are connected in some way. maybe they have no money and are messing with you. do u look like your photos? no smells from u or the incall? too strange