How Often?

kuroshiro's Avatar
About how often do you providers see clients? I don't make as much money as I'd like so it's probably once every three months for me. How do you also manage it financially?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Are you asking how many clients we see a week? Or how often do you see the same client?

I have "regulars" that will contact me when I visit NWA. So I guess once a month for them.
kuroshiro's Avatar
Hahaha, silly me. I actually meant how often the clients see providers. Not the other way around. Thanks for replying anyways Danielle.
Just about any time I know I can get away safely. Unfortunately, over nearly 4 years, it's averaged 1.5 times per month.
  • mwise
  • 01-31-2017, 06:33 AM
Depends on how much I'm getting in my private life. There was a time I was booking once a week. Now its more like once a month. Although I did just take a 1 year hiatus.
SouthernBorn's Avatar
I suspect it is more an opportunity thing. Most of the guys who have SOs have to get an opportunity to slip away. Sometimes that is one or twice a week for a period of time, other times can be months or years between sessions. Hell, if I had the opportunity and the funds, it would be two or three times a day for me! Alas, here in the real world, it is probably four or five times a year.

Just my $0.02.

splitlog's Avatar
At least once per week. Sometimes twice
SouthernBorn's Avatar
Splitlog, you are my new hero! Will you allow me to write your memoirs?
I suspect it is more an opportunity thing. Most of the guys who have SOs have to get an opportunity to slip away. Sometimes that is one or twice a week for a period of time, other times can be months or years between sessions. Hell, if I had the opportunity and the funds, it would be two or three times a day for me! Alas, here in the real world, it is probably four or five times a year.

Just my $0.02.

-SB Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
Ditto on the "probably four or five times a year". Would love for it to be more but it's tough to be gone out on the road on a job for sometimes weeks and then have a opportunity to slip away once you are back in town for sometimes just the weekend.
willro's Avatar
I have been in the hobby for nearly 12 years. How active I've been has varied greatly depending on what is happening in my personal life and whether or not I was currently with an SO or not. At my busiest, I think I had four adventures in one week. At my slowest point when I was with a girlfriend I went nearly a year without a visit. Because of my work schedule and when I'm all alone in hotels, I have busy periods of the year too. Also, sometimes I visit AMPs and places such as that instead of full provider visits, so it depends on if you count that or not.
At least once per week. Sometimes twice Originally Posted by splitlog
No wonder your log is split.

I used to be that active with Britt. Much harder for me to get away now but still 1-2 times a month.
twobullhunglow's Avatar
I guess it varies greatly for me. When time and opportunity allow.
splitlog's Avatar
Splitlog, you are my new hero! Will you allow me to write your memoirs? Originally Posted by SouthernBorn
Too funny. Just thought everyone was the same. My regular in my Avatar I have seen well over 100 times in just under 3 years. Love me some Aurora Skye. Lol

And then there is my secret regular I don't speak of. See her even more.

Only live once.
BK's Avatar
  • BK
  • 01-31-2017, 07:04 PM
Once a month with vary providers. If I am traveling then it's usually one per night. Along with my regular sb that I see every other week for an evening. that pretty much fills up my needs at this point. Those travel dates about kill me these days, 20 years ago it was not an issue.
Mr.S's Avatar
  • Mr.S
  • 02-02-2017, 04:04 AM
My situation is different and dictates how often I see different ladies. I do have an SO, not a wife. She splits her time between here and Virginia, so she's here about half the year. When she's here, I don't see other ladies and don't need to. When she's out, her and I have an understanding and as long as I don't bring any drama, disease, trouble, or babies home, she don't mind at all. Lol
That being said, when I do see someone else, it may be as often as a few times a week or a time or two a month. I don't see many providers, in the traditional sense. The majority of the girls I see are not providers at all even. My preference is to meet that right girl, the waitress who I make conversation with and find she is struggling to make ends meet, the girl at the gas station having to pull doubles for minimum wage, etc. Online communication is just so impersonal, so I prefer meeting and actual talking, even about the more awkward parts.
If I'm on a dry spell, need a quick stress relief, or need to maintain my membership status, I'll see someone and write a review. I love women and love meeting new people, so this hobby provides me an additional way to do both.