Housing discrimanation

normalguy21's Avatar
First let me say this is america and i think less goverment is better to let people run there own lifes .
That being said -A landlord with a house for rent can not discriminate against a potential renter do to race ,religion,sex ,etc,etc

But on the other hand if you smoke FUCK YOU ASSHOLE we dont have to rent to you !


Could you not rent to someone because they drank ?

What if they picked the nose and liked to fling buggers at the wall ?

I see many adds for houses for rent to non smokers .

Fucking good for you if you dont smoke ,and good for you if you have the balls to tell someone even if you rent my house you cant smoke in it .

Me myself if some asshole thought i would rent a house and not do what the fuck i wanted to in my own place well then i think its kegger time and Toga toga toga party time .

Fucking cant turn away someone do to being a dip shit fucktard twatwaffel but you can if they smoke .

Liberal fucktard madness !!!
launder into little a .... Not the avenger or 21
Hermosa's Avatar
Bet is you had a medical marajuana card and claimed a disability, tha, would be called discriminitory and they would have to? Some discrimination os acdeptable and some isn't. Pretty silly little world we live in.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't have a problem with discrimination that allows one to not rent to Smokers.. there's a house near me that's been for sale for many months.. nobody wants it because the God Damn house smells like a chimney, and the owner can't get rid of the smell.
pyramider's Avatar
Can't get tobacco smoke and cat piss smells out of houses.
KayC_K's Avatar
That's just lazy people speak for "I don't want to have to work for my money so you can just pay me and not do anything I'll have to work at" Tobacco smells just like smoke and smoke smells can be removed from anything. How else do the cleaners who specialize in removing smoke and fire damage get work?
You CAN get smoke smell out of the house but it costs a bit depending how big and how many stories. Hint, starts w/ vent cleaning......
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-31-2017, 05:40 AM
Smokers are pretty nasty. Shit stains the walls and the blinds. Seen this one guys house his whole family smokes. You could literally see residue on the walls and that shit looked like it rolled down the walls when it got warm in there.
I only smoke when I drink...
When I drink, I pass out...
When I pass out, I'm usually smoking...
When I pass out while smoking, I burn the house down.

Don't burn the house down - smoking isn't good for you!!
I own rental property. I now have an ironclad smoker's clause w/ heavy implications in all my rental contracts. The reason? Over the past decade, I've probably lost a solid 5 figures worth of rental income because I couldn't find tenants wanting to move into homes recently vacated by a smoker.

To rehab a heavy smoker home is costly. I have to use a specialty paint that masks the smell and that shit is costly. I also replace carpets (w/ padding) and that costs like $2/sqft at its cheapest. And there's other shit thats costly as well. Overall, one bad smoker tenant could set me back 6-9 months of rental income. Thats happened on more than one occasion, so I'm completely ok with discriminating smokers from renting.